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Complete Issues listing with topic, 1993 - present |
Guevara vs, Spartacus. A Comparison Between Two
Revolutionaries. January 4, 2012, Volume 18 Nr. 3, Issue 261 Two well known revolutionaries, Spartacus and Ernesto “Che” Guevara. Spartacus was a gladiator who escaped from Rome. Che Guevara was a medical student who observed harsh conditions in South America during a journey from Cordoba, Argentina in December 1951 to Caracas, Venezuela in July 1952. Che Guevara's revolution succeeded while Spartacus' failed. This essay is a comparison of the two to examine the differences and similarities in the two revolutions explaining why Spartacus failed and Che succeeded. |
Impeach Obama.
What Controversy? There is none. October 19, 2011, Volume 18 Nr. 2, Issue 260 When we veterans joined the military we swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution and defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic. I find it reprehensible that veterans, especially those within an organization such as Veterans For Peace, refuse to do so when Barack Obama violates and attacks the Constitution. Not condemning Barack Obama for obvious high crimes and misdemeanors mocks our status as both veterans and workers for peace. As members of Veterans For Peace, not supporting the impeachment of Barack Obama has us violating the organization's mission statement. |
One (1%) Percenters Upcoming Solution October 12, 2011, Volume 18 Nr. 1, Issue 259 What the world is now witnessing in the Occupy movements is that enough is enough. We are hearing from the ninety-nine percenters around the globe that a better world is possible. We are hearing that it is time to move beyond the class warfare inherent in and perpetrated unabated by capitalism We are hearing the resounding outcry that the world can no longer afford the rich. The masses of people are hungry for a different and better world. It is time to satisfy the hunger and eat the rich. |
of Vows. Thirty Years Together. August 3, 2010, Volume 17 Nr. 7, Issue 258 We were born together and together we shall be forever more. We shall be together when the white wings of death scatter our days. We shall be together in the silent memory that is each other... JeanneE & Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
a word...(or a phrase...or five paragraphs) #3.
March 12, 2010, Volume 17 Nr. 6, Issue 257 At 72, dying of colon cancer, she was denied verge of death hospital health care purchased through United Health in her AARP policy. United Health said she had not paid her immediate past monthly premium. My friend had written them. Next he received a letter with a $141 check enclosed and asked to sign a waiver against the situation since they had discovered that she had made her final and previous payment for the month she died in... Peter Shepherd |
Know You Don't Believe But... Haiti - God Intervenes Again.
January 20, 2010, Volume 17 Nr. 5, Issue 256 Those in the religio-hierarchy, you know them, they are the invited to the White House. They live in mansions, or in a city-state recognized as a separate country. They attain power and influence not by virtue of their relationship to God. Rather, they attain power by virtue of their relationship to the money they abscond with from gullible and mesmerized consumers of hockey-puck. Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
Space Project to Save Humanity Happy New Year 2010.
January 1, 2010, Volume 17 Nr. 4, Issue 255 So, here we are at the start of a new decade in the early 21st century conspiring to implement human science and technology to prevent nature from bombing the earth with much more force than the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What amazing progress humanity has accomplished. And yet..... Jozef hand-Boniakowski |
Afghanistan Speech. Statement in Response. December 2, 2009 Volume 17 Nr. 2, Issue 254 In order to compel the enemy in Afghanistan to acquiesce, Mr. Obama has launched a troop surge of many tens of thousands of U.S. forces. In so doing, he has taken the lives hundreds, more likely thousands, of Afghani civilians, and he has created many new American prisoners-of-war, while our men and women lose their limbs and their sanity at a prodigal rate. Obama has urged the Congress to remain silent, uncomplaining and has urged the support of the American people... Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
a word...#2 August 26, 2009 Volume 17 Nr. 1, Issue 253 "Trooper" had affectionate edge to it; if an officer or non-commissioned officer called us "troopers" it was said with an element of pride as though the speaker thought we were what he had been training us for. Indeed, one was a "good trooper" if one did what was expected, and, somehow, more with regard to getting through a particularly demanding march or battle or situation... But seldom was the term used euphemistically to cover or hide a reality. Peter Shepherd |
Hysteria and a Response August 7, 2009 Volume 16 Nr. 8, Issue 252 John Doe, the car dealer from Blue Bay, Wisconsin, said publicly after helping provide transportation for the Susanna Tech and Northern Liberal University shooters that since homicidal maniacs were buying cars and accessories from him, law-abiding citizens should buy cars from him, too, to transport themselves away from the killers he was transporting. Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
Disappearing Progressives May 31, 2009 Volume 16 Nr. 7, Issue 251 Common Dreams is well aware that In Latin America, during the 20th century, a new term emerged for those people that had simply vanished, as if they never existed. The term, to disappear, was the process by which writers, journalists, authors, and simply, people, who expressing an opinion that was deemed threatening went "poof!". They became the Deseparecido. Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, sang, "And they said, 'It couldn't happen here..." Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
A Word...#1 February 1, 2009 Volume 16 Nr. 6, Issue 250 In the last few months I have received at least two, and if I’m not wrong, maybe three invitations from our military to join their ranks. The latest is from the Marines. It is really quite a package and has a cover on which the text appears in white: “YOUR HOMETOWN.” Under this is a flap held with sticky spots, one of those new glues that does and doesn’t. Inside the other side of the flap it declares “IS YOURS TO DEFEND.” And it goes... Peter Shepherd |
W. Bush's Last Address To The People. A Parody: Up Yours
Farewell January 15, 2009 Volume 16 Nr. 5, Issue 249 So around the world, the United States is promoting free markets, worker exploitation, structural adjustment, greed Capitalism and the indignity of stolen natural resources. We are standing with lackeys and young Capitalistocracies, providing aid and medicine to bring dying neo-liberal societies back to life, and sparing the owning class from further wealth deterioration and loss of profits. And this great republic, born alone in wiping out an indigenous population, embracing slavery and denying women the rights of citizenship, is leading the world toward a Nuage where the free market belongs to all nations... Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
and the Talking Picture Box or the World of Waste December 31, 2008 Volume 16 Nr. 4, Issue 248 More questions followed by more answers: The problem is “static electricity” which knocks out the programming section stored in something like a mother board which was readily knocked out and the programming had to be reinstalled to make it work. Sixty-five dollars. Could he change the board out and put a new one in? No. Who could? If he reinstalled the programming, what were the chances that it would be a final fix. None. Aren’t there hundreds, even thousands of this same... Peter Shepherd |
Is In Crisis. It's The Unions' Fault November 15, Volume 16 Nr. 3, Issue 247 The blame for Capitalism's crashes rests on the shoulders of the owning class. You see, having more than enough money and wealth, is, well, never good enough. Being content with having millions or billions of dollars is not what satisfies the Capitalist. Capital, to the Capitalist, has only one purpose, that is, to make more capital. And when more capital is made, there is only one mindset that keeps the Capitalist content. And that is, to add the newly acquired capital to the total and to repeat the process over and... Jozef Hand-Boniakowski |
For Corporations: Bush's Failout October 15, Volume 16 Nr. 2, Issue 246 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Art (ink on paper) speaks. |
As I Teach But Not As I Do. Vermont Teachers Union Fails
Democracy September 12, Volume 16 Nr. 1, Issue 245 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I'll be the first to admit that Peter Diamondstone can be trying and difficult. Peter can be stubborn. Perhaps this is why the two-party system political proponents dislike him. They may disagree with Diamondstone. But the dislike, disagreement, adverse reaction to personality, even Diamondstone's preference to not wearing suits, is no reason to exclude him from gubernatorial debates. As a major party candidate, Peter Diamondstone is entitled to participate, and Vermonters, including young people, deserve to hear what he has to say. The Vermont-NEA has denied Diamondstone the standing he has earned through his party's major status. It has denied Vermont's young people access to non-establishment opinions which they most likely will not hear in the classroom. Of course, this may... |
The National Phone Directory. Electing The President of
the United States. August 15, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 13, Issue 244 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski In the 1995 movie version of Harrison Bergeron, written by Arthur Crimm and directed by Bruce Pitman, the president of the United States is randomly chosen out of the national phone directory and then called by telephone and notified of the "honor". Crimm is telling us that it does not matter who the president of the United States is. Crimm's reasoning reflects the common thread throughout the movie that everyone is equal so who becomes the president is irrelevant. Also, the president is not in charge of anything. As in "Harrison Bergeron", the movie what we see is not what we get. What we see on TV and the media is the sideshow passed off as reality for we have all become the George and Hazel Bergerons of the 21st century... |
McCain: The Candidate Of, For, And By The People. He's
Just Like You And Me. Right? July 1, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 12, Issue 243 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski It is now June 2008, and not since the Great Depression has Wall Street's performance been so dismal. War with Iran is appearing more and more probable, perhaps inevitable, the closer we come to election day in November. Making war to influence the outcome of a presidential election has been a long-time tradition in the USA. The media inform us daily that there are only two candidates: John McCain and Barak Obama, both trying to convince the people that they are, like us, struggling day to day, feeling the pain of our collective economic woes. Really? Let's examine John McCain to see if that is the case and discover what a mensch he really is. John McCain just another salt of the earth is he? |
Obamanation June 7, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 11, Issue 242 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski After a grueling year-and-a-half of campaigning, this stage of the oppressive election year frenzy is over. Obama has won. And so what? Obama asked no hard questions. Obama provided no solutions. Obama gave the electorate a preacher’s delivery, a rock star’s persona, a basketball player’s hand claps. Obama gave the public what the media creationists programmed them to want: a feel better candidate delivered via Madison Avenue finesse for which they are conditioned to accept. The main stream corporate media orchestrated the so-called Obama movement offering it as an adjunct to the Republican option. The only game allowed, after all, is.... |
The Ego Clamoring For Attention May 15, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 10, Issue 241 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski No matter how big a family we may have, no matter how many friends or colleagues, we will ultimately be alone. Either our friends, etc., will die first or we will. I would go one step further than Brandon: to live a loving and peaceful life causing minimal damage to others we must accept the fact of our ultimate non-existence. This means that we must do what the ego is designed not to. We must accept the reality that the ego will cease to be and along with it, so will we... |
The Great Dictator: Adenoid Hynkel Speaks. Charlie Chaplin Addresses Bush, Cheney, et al. April 15, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 9, Issue 240 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I came across the classic film, "The Great Dictator" starring Charlie Chaplin. In this movie, Chaplin plays Adenoid Hynkel, the great and autocratic dictator of Tomania. Chaplin also plays a second character, a Jewish barber, who is an Adenoid Hynkel look-alike. The barber mistaken for the dictator, eventually is maneuvered into making a speech to the great world masses after the successful invasion and conquest of the fictitious country, Osterlich...People concerned about fascism in the U.S.A. would do well to watch "The Great Dictator" while they still can...Chaplin knew fascism when he saw it back in 1937. If he were alive today, he would know it again... |
It Where The Sun Does Shine. Ending Solar Impotence. March 15, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 8, Issue 239 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski What is wrong with this picture? The self-appointed greatest nation in history cannot put its ever-increasingly unemployed people to work mass-producing solar panels. It is as if we are impotent in putting our people to work in industries with obvious long-term benefit. The country that made it a national goal to put its citizens on the moon remains remarkable in its inability to produce the energy products necessary for its own future well-being. Why is that? Why is it that foreign competitors have taken the lead in cellular network infrastructure building with massive access to digital and Internet services, hybrid and alternative fuel automobiles, etc.? |
Garlic Powder To Heparin. We Are At War With Ourselves. February 15, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 7, Issue 238 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski A technician from interventional radiology told me that increasingly they are seeing injectible solutions that are "Made in China". They expressed their discomfort with this trend, especially when it came to the important and common injectible anti-coagulant called Heparin. And justifiably so. Recently, the Heparin "manufacturer", Baxter, voluntarily recalled a batch of its product. The drug Heparin that is labeled as being manufactured in the United States is made from an active ingredient that comes from a factory in China that has not been inspected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration... |
The Other Opiate of the Masses January 18, 2008 Volume 15 Nr. 6, Issue 237 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We are as infants in our recognition of the deleterious effects of patriotism. We are ignorant from whence in the face of grave loss we choke up when the colors are presented or the national anthem is played Patriotism never tries to interfere with our inability to understand it. It exists as an ever present aspect of our being, a fact of life successfully inculcated from an early age from the habits of our parents and our schooling through the dominant and domineering paradigms of our culture. Patriotism's demanding proliferators build upon our internal proclivity toward something bigger than the self. In that regard patriotism is a parasitic infection that often destroys the host and many more times those branded as its enemies and collateral damage. Patriotism is an infection that cares not one whit whether the host survive only that the parasite continues... |
the Guise of Freedom: Fascism's Ultimate Destination December 26, 2007 Volume 15 Nr. 5, Issue 236 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The ultimate destination of fascism is the total domination over and control of everything that happens to people while operating under the guise that people are free. The terminus operandi is a breed of wetware automatons that question not, while being convinced that they have chosen not to question. The goal is a society that behaves as planned while its members believe they have chosen their behavior... |
Buchanan, Feinstein, and Schumer.
Waterboarding And The Passion Of Christ November 7, 2007 Volume 15 Nr. 4, Issue 235 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Fatherland is what fascists turn to when they cover up their personal internal conflicts in favor of domination over everything. To fascists, waterboarding becomes not to be torture. The United States becomes a country that does not torture. Extreme rendition becomes not kidnapping. People's disappearances become not un constitutional. Assassination becomes not being murder. " Preventive war" becomes not aggression. And collateral damage is no longer contrary to "thou shall not kill". Death becomes not being contrary to the "pursuit of life". To hell with "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights." I ask you, Pat Buchanan, would your Jesus Christ sanction waterboarding? |
Thuggery November 1, 2007 Volume 15 Nr. 3, Issue 234 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski In the interest of democratic discourse and the cause of rational health care, Metaphoria is joining with dozens of sites across the web in reproducing the article which the Society of Homeopaths... managed to have removed from a web server via ridiculous legal threats.... they just bullied the ISP. The SoH has continued to support its members even when they practice dangerous versions of homeopathy... encouraging folks to skip the malaria meds... when visiting/working in places where malaria is endemic. How long do we coddle quackery in the name of twisted versions of "healthcare freedom" and "multiculturalism"? |
Cadence: A Tribute to VFP Brother David Cline, RIP October, 2007 Volume 15 Nr. 2, Issue 233 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski "They killed Dave forty years ago, the government of the United States killed Dave in Vietnam; but Dave had too much in him to die right away. Too much heart, too much soul, too much spirit, too much of a passion to fight for what is right and true and just; it took him 40 years to die." |
the Toxins - Cleansing the Nation September, 2007 Volume 15 Nr. 1, Issue 232 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The cleansing session that removes toxins from the body are four hours long and take place three days each week. If only the chief executive of the USA could be hooked up to remove what poisons the nation. If only the flow rate could be set to maximum and performed seven days per week. If only the Cheney - Bush regime could be cleansed of lies, deception, corruption and incompetence. |
Mowing As Protest. Twisting Panties And Squeezing Gonads August, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 12, Issue 231 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski If one protester pushing a lawn mower in opposition to the illegal and immoral Iraq war can elicit the wrath of fascists in the White House, then there is hope still that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can be defended and protected. Evidently, one protester with a push mower can twist the panties of the powerful. Tens of millions, however, would put the gonads of corruption in a vice grip called ... |
Off! Trunks And Asses On Their Way July, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 11, Issue 230 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We do not elect candidates to high office in the United States. We pay for and they buy their way in. No Mr. Obama, what exists is the same old corrupting influence of large sums of money on the electoral process. Democracy is not only ill-served, it is abrogated by campaign cash that determines candidate viability. Little money means little electability and the U.S. ruling class determines and manufactures who the candidates will be. |
Temporarily Unavailable |
Ramblings With A Child By My Side May, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 9, Issue 228 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski A poem about breast feeding and being male in the U.S.A. |
Ethics April 29, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 8, Issue 227 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski Since the skeptical and scientific blogworld is in a deep discussion of strategic appeasement over whether science and religion can play nice together, I am going to look at some of the ethical muck of appeasement that has dirtied health care...The appeasers are those who trumpet “integrative medicine”. Seeing themselves as moderates, a bridge between hostile camps of “allopathic” and “alternative”, the integrators are a muddy waffle that is dishonest at its core... |
Sheehan in Vermont: Nothing Left For The Right Wing Except To
Attack The Messenger. How Pathetic! March 6, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 7, Issue 226 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski What stands out most strikingly is that the pro-war side no longer has any credibility. No longer having any rational, nor legal, nor moral justification to continue supporting the war and G.W. Bush, the pro-war folk are left to their own nasty devices of attacking the anti-war messenger. Swift-boating, spreading lies, character assassination, are all they have left to comfort the cold cockles of their insidious hearts...The lies that led to Shock and Awe have now morphed into lies that attempt to mask their own complicity. These are the deceptions that continue to kill and maim hundreds of thousands of people. The attacks against Cindy Sheehan are in response to her powerful and truthful message and do not require any rebuttal whatsoever... |
and Liberals: Lacking Conviction. The
Door That Cannot Swing Both Ways. February 19, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 6, Issue 225 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski War is murder. We cannot be in support of murderers while opposing murder. I will not honor that which makes murder and war possible. Liberals and Democrats want to condemn war and then honor or commemorate those who make war. Those who kill are killers no matter what the cause or ideology, or what the flag, or what the religion, or what the reason. If, as Nancy Pelosi says, “There is one proposition on which we all agree: our troops have performed excellently in Iraq. They have done everything asked of them”, then she, and we, have honored the killing in our name and at our request. I will not honor that. |
Ultimate Human Activity: The Exchange of Capital. The
Ultimate Crime: Not Participating. January 22, 2007 Volume 14 Nr. 5, Issue 224 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Neoliberalism, however, has it backwards. The ultimate crime is not rejecting the moment-to-moment urge to buy something. The ultimate crime is, instead, neo-liberalism placing profits before people. The higher human activity is not going shopping. It is, not shopping. Shopping is not a prerequisite for a good life. Free market capital circulation is not necessary for well being and living a good and content life. Quite the contrary... |
Relative Value of Human Life. No Iraqi Civilians on
Mount Hood. December 22, 2006 Volume 14 Nr. 4, Issue 223 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The human will to survive is strong and ever-present. The money to pay for survival, however, is another matter. Callous neoliberal economics renders human capital inconsequential. To neoliberalism, the use value of a human being does not matter. Only their surplus value matters to the capitalist, thus making the value of rich human life greater than that of the poor... |
Warfare. Industrial matrimony. Neo-liberalism's
Big Products. November 15, 2006 Volume 14 Nr. 3, Issue 222 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Just as we are indoctrinated into the mindset that the war will never be done away with, we think we cannot have a wedding outside the corporate model. The cultural operative dictates a public ceremony, typically including a minister, a reception with an obligatory meal, a bubbly toast, booze, a band, a DJ, a wedding cake and some kind of favor for the guests. A corporate recipe for yet another commodity. Like other commodities, the typical mass produced wedding is riddled with... |
Doctrine of Americanism and the United States Midterm
Elections of November 7, 2006. October 30, 2006 Volume 14 Nr. 2, Issue 221 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski In this the last week before the 2006 mid-term elections (November 7, 2006) in the United States, it may behoove us as United States citizens to ponder upon the following historic words: "Many of the practical expressions of Americanism such as party organization, system of education, and discipline can only be understood when considered in relation to its general attitude toward life. A spiritual attitude. Americanism sees in the world... |
as Human Defect. Faith as Disease September 19, 2006 Volume 14 Nr. 1, Issue 220 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Just before the cease fire in the Israel-Hezbollah war went into effect at 0500 hours GMT, 14 August, there was a final push for maximizing destruction and death. Last licks, before time runs out. The maximization of casualties is not the characteristic of a sophisticated and highly developed species. Quite the contrary... |
Natural August 7, 2006 Volume 13 Nr. 51, Issue 219 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski Ah, the seduction of that meme: “natural”. We are enchanted by a notion of the natural world that reads like a personals ad: “loves long moonlit walks on the beach.” Just as one should be realistic about Mr. Box # 4723, so should one examine assumptions about nature. Parasites and polio, tsunamis and tsetse flies, volcanoes and vipers are all natural. When we get that wistful idea of Nature, we are thinking of... |
Body Jewelry. Stretching Ear Lobes While
Shrinking Free Speech. July 26, 2006 Volume 13 Nr. 50, Issue 218 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Having mouth jewelry in today's off-shoring job marketplace appears to be a positive asset. Just wait, Ms. Pena. Your job and your teachers positions are about to be eliminated. You are going to be replaced by Indian educators and teachers with mouth and ear jewelry! These other fad- endowed educators and teachers even have the audacity to speak the Queen's English. They are anglophiles who, unlike "Texan", G.W. Bush, can pronounce the word "nuclear" properly and not mangle verb tenses... |
Americans Manifest Their Destiny:
And to Hell with the Consequences June 16, 2006 Volume 13 Nr. 49, Issue 217 Jason Miller Contrary to the “catapulted propaganda”, Enron, Haditha, and Abu Ghraib were not isolated incidents or the work of a “few bad apples”. American savagery and oppressive behavior pervades our society and predates our nation’s birth. Building its patriarchal wealth on the backs of Black slaves and cheap labor while acquiring its territory through Native American genocide, predatory exploitation of non-Anglos, the poor, women, and the working class emerged as a pillar of America’s socioeconomic “success” before we even declared our independence. |
Requires a Great Depression. Getting
Ready for World War III. June 17, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 48, Issue 216 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The Boomers grew up in a period within the United States when the expectation was that every year the personal and family economic situation would improve along with the improved fiscal condition of the nation. Every year better than the previous year. The Boomers who worked hard all their lives are now beginning to retire and the fiscal house of the United States is not in order to provide for them in their senior years as was promised... |
Capitalism and The Moral Poverty of Nations. Of Faustian
Bargains and Disposable Human Being May 30, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 46, Issue 214 Jason Miller A few days ago, a long time friend and I had the good fortune to spend a few days with the wonderful people of the anarchist environmental community, Woodfolk, in Charlottesville, Virginia. It is to them I wish to rededicate the first two versions of my Peacemakers songs below, especially Peacemakers II, for it is within the Woodfolk community that I see the best chances for this planet realizing what I have written about in this song. The planet needs more people like Woodfolk if it is to survive. Thank you Woodfolk. Thank you very very much... |
Day. A Dedication to the People of Woodfolk in Charlottesville, Virginia May 30, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 46, Issue 214 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski A few days ago, a long time friend and I had the good fortune to spend a few days with the wonderful people of the anarchist environmental community, Woodfolk, in Charlottesville, Virginia. It is to them I wish to rededicate the first two versions of my Peacemakers songs below, especially Peacemakers II, for it is within the Woodfolk community that I see the best chances for this planet realizing what I have written about in this song. The planet needs more people like Woodfolk if it is to survive. Thank you Woodfolk. Thank you very very much... |
to the "Free Market" Unite. Can Humanity Make
a Stand Against the Ruthless Onslaught of Capitalist
Imperialism? May 25, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 45, Issue 213 Jason Miller Despite the widening wealth gap, the Wal-Martization of the economy, Katrina, Iraq, stolen elections, an $8 trillion national debt, tax cuts for the wealthy, and increasingly rapacious acts by corporations, many Americans are still oblivious to our descent into fascism. Sucking on the pacifier of conspicuous consumption, they "shop till they drop", lining Corporate America's pockets and freeing the ruling elite to pursue world domination, as outlined in the Project for the New American Century and the Bush Doctrine... |
Arrogance of "Enlightenment".
"Spirituality" as Unconscious Prejudice May 17, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 44, Issue 212 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Liberals can hardly consider themselves "enlightened" when they assume that people around them are going to gladly join in holding hands, praying, chanting, humming a mantra, or otherwise, teleporting themselves to a different plane or state of consciousness. It is arrogance to assume that saying a prayer, even a non-denominational prayer, is acceptable to everyone gathered in a public venue? Such arrogance is a violation of personal space, a subterfuge of friendship, and a mockery of camaraderie. It is maneuvering " spirituality" onto others whether they want it or not... |
and Might Make Right: Morality is in the Eye of the Oppressor May 16, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 43, Issue 211 Jason Miller Encountering a shortage of labor and an over-abundance of economic opportunities in the "New World", the "intrepid" imperialists were undaunted. They simply started capturing indigenous people from various tribes in Africa, selling them into slavery, and shipping them to the Americas. Valuable new commodity emerges. Labor shortage problem solved. One can't help but admire their ingenuity; that is if one suffers from anti-social personality disorder... |
Is Not An Option: To The Rogue Tyrants Belong the Spoils May 3, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 42, Issue 210 Jason Miller With the arsenal of weapons of mass destruction at its disposal and the economic influence it wields, the US government subjugates mankind through intimidation, extortion, and military domination. Despite myriad signs of its empire declining, America's ruling class easily qualifies as the "masters of mankind"....America began to decline seriously under Reagan, continued its precipitous drop under Bush I and Clinton, and has reached disturbing lows under Bush II. Whether Republican or Democrat, successive United States governments degenerated into an entity which is betraying a majority of its people and is a significant threat to the continued existence of the human species: a failed state... |
Huddled Masses are now my Wretched Refuse:
Locking the Golden Door Apr 6, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 41, Issue 209 Jason Miller Inculcated with the belief that they are morally superior and endowed with an inalienable right to world domination, the members of America's ruling White Patriarchy and their ardent supporters have an immigration problem. Too many "little Brown people" are streaming across their southern border. As America's de facto ruling class wrangles with numerous potential solutions, they are overlooking the obvious: ask the Native Americans what to do. After all, those who forged the American Empire nearly drove the indigenous people of North America to extinction. At the very least... |
liberals, and "progressives": There they go again Apr 2, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 40, Issue 208 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski There you have it. Liberal, "progressive" Democrats hate Ralph Nader as much as they hate George W. Bush. Perhaps, some therapy is in order, as hate is a self-destructive emotion if left unchecked. It also does not win elections. I'm not, however, surprised at this outpouring of Democratic venom, as liberals and so-called progressives prefer to blame the loss of elections on everybody and everything, except that is, on the lackluster, uninspiring, boring, bumbling, stumbling, and problematic campaigns of their own candidates. Democrats prefer... |
is Resting Easy: The Power of Christ "Propels" Them
Mar 9, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 39, Issue 207 Jason Miller Quoting the eloquent and infamous words of the incredibly articulate Mr. Cheney, I say, "Fuck you!" to their malignant cabal. While this nefarious faction and its loyalists may consider me a traitor, I refuse to pledge allegiance to a pack of criminals who have hijacked the government of the people of the United States. If it is treason to dissent against corrupt thieves and murderers who have shredded our sacred Constitution, I stand guilty as charged... |
Murderers, and Malefactors: Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a
Little Matter of Genocide Mar 1, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 38, Issue 206 Jason Miller Acting with impunity and wielding the moral authority of pedophiles, Bush and his fellow Neocons have decimated what was left of America's good name while severely crippling our nation’s capacity for advancing and protecting human rights. Setting a sanguineous course in their reckless pursuit of wealth and power, they have afflicted humankind with their perverse agenda. With alarming consistency, these sociopaths have demonstrated their utter disregard for humanity and the well-being of our planet. |
Goes to School: Sniffing
Our Kids' Civil Liberties Away Feb 27, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 37, Issue 205 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, and, JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski In the surveillance culture that the United States has become, notions of patriotism have become dangerously skewed. Somehow we have come to accept the creepy meme that when we give up our rights — like privacy — we are being patriotic. That voluntary waiving of our civil liberties is a great proof of our patriotism. This misguided patriotism is acceptance of despotism. It is fascism... |
Your Conscience at the Door: We're Building an Empire Feb 21, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 36, Issue 204 Jason Miller Blaring its typical jarringly cacophonous morning radio jabber, the suddenly welcome sound of my alarm rescued me from the maelstrom of a nightmarish Neocon world spawned within my unconscious mind. As consciousness flooded my being, I had an epiphany. My breed of human being is a pariah in the American Empire. In the minds of the Regime's loyal foot soldiers (the Neo-Tories of the Twenty First Century) American society is waging a domestic war between those they define as liberals and those they qualify as conservatives... |
New Dark Age - the 21st Century Feb 13, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 35, Issue 203 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Using the phrase "creating human-animal hybrids" pushes the required buttons. It produces an intended frenzy among the religious Right. It deliberately sensationalizes and trivializes the complex issues at hand. Complexity and explanation of it, however, are not what the ignorant seek. Those manipulating the ignorant prefer to provide neither. The ignorant are comfortable with simple solutions offered them. They are content to living their lives with minimal personal involvement in the quest for knowledge. They are happy to accept what they are told - and to blame those who do not accept it - for the world's ills... |
Your Addiction: Beyond Mere Survival in the American Dystopia Feb 4, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 35, Issue 202 Jason Miller 1984 has come to pass, both chronologically and in the Orwellian sense. Americans are "liberators" inIraq. Opponents of this "peace initiative" are "doubleplusungood". Unchecked by the judiciary, the NSA electronically trolls for perpetrators of "crimethink". Pundits and the "liberal media" (owned by a handful of monolithic corporations despised by people with the values which many define as liberal) have become the Ministry of Truth for the Party... |
an idiot! Bush Jumpstarts the Alternative Energy
Movement With His Own Hot Air Demonstration Feb 4, 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 34, Issue 201 Jason Miller Thank you all. Mr. Speaker, Uncle Dick, my Congressional collaborators, my five guaranteed votes on the Supreme Court, distinguished plutocrats, and the rest of you wretched plebs we begrudgingly tolerate (because you grease the wheels of our money-making machine): Today our nation lost a beloved, graceful, courageous woman who called America to its founding ideals and carried on a noble dream. Tonight we are comforted by the fact that my regime is working vigorously to cause that noble dream to unravel at the seams. |
an idiot! Bush Jumpstarts the Alternative Energy
Movement With His Own Hot Air Demonstration Feb 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 32, Issue 200 Daniel Patrick Welch Brave souls were treated to the usual lies, exaggerations, distortions and demagoguery, as ol' Ronnie would say. But a few brazen nuggets stand out: it was refreshing, in a perverse sort of way, to hear the biggest recipient of political oil money on the face of the earth rail against special interests. We're addicted to oil! Says the oilmonger. We must guard against the tendency to centralize power in Washington, says the Unitary Executive...When he started in on affordable health care, I had to leave the room to throw up; there is a limit to the pain I can take even for the sake of a column. |
George W. Bush a Third Term Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 31, Issue 199 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I do not expect my encounter with my neighbors in the country store, nor this article to make any difference to them as they believe that being a "good American" in the 21st century United States is very much like the German people being good Germans in the 1930s. Apparently, no amount of evidence or reasoning can change their minds that their maximum leader is above board, that he is intelligent and that he knows what he is doing. When asked for explanations for his deceit, George W. Bush, in a moment of divine and intelligent inspiration says, "I ain't gotta tell you nuthin.'" |
I Now Genuflect to Charles Krauthammer Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 30, Issue 198 Jason Miller Tears streamed down my face as I realized how many filthy distortions I had written about our great nation. How could I ever redeem myself? True American heroes like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin courageously risk their lives each day as they deliver the truth about our noble, courageous, and benevolent Homeland. The poor, uneducated masses thirst deeply for enlightenment as they wander in the desert of ignorance in search of the oasis of knowledge tended by these pillars of American society. Savage and his fellow purveyors of truth risk... |
symbolic harbingers of financial collapse
Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 29, Issue 197 Jerry Kroth The symbolic anomalies mount up. Less than a month before we go off to on a pre-emptive war to stop Iraq from developing nuclear weapons, we note that inside the belly of Columbia is an Israeli who engaged in the same pre-emptive attack twenty years earlier. On an ominous Chinese holiday a simulacrum of America falls out of the sky sounding an alarm and carrying messages in her hold that concern preemptive war, Iraq, nuclear weapons, even the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. . . an eerie symbolic cargo indeed! |
to a War Memorial Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 28, Issue 196 Thomas J. Scheff There is little or no response from the great majority driving and walking on the pier every Sunday. Most of them seem to avoid looking, or give only a sidelong glance. Others briefly read some of the signs, then continue on their way. Here they are, walking past what surely must be a big surprise, a vast cemetery on the beach directly beneath their gaze. Very few would have known that it was there. How could they not stop? This question is further discussed... |
Father's Day, Send Your Cards to Tom Instead of George Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 27, Issue 195 Jason Miller Harvey Kaye's Thomas Paine and the Promise of America rekindled my fading belief in the United States as a potential home to true freedom and justice. Thomas Paine's spirit burns as an intense beacon lighting the way toward his envisioned "asylum for mankind". Paine, in contrast to Washington, is the intellectual father of an America which does not yet exist, but is still very... |
in the Free Marketplace of Ideas. Nuestras Américas
hablan. Jan 2006, Volume 13 Nr. 26, Issue 194 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski As the United States becomes all that it hated within the former Soviet Union, and worse, it will more and more become rejected in the market place of ideas. In turn, the United States will further stifle the free market place of ideas for in it freedom shows itself to be the option of rejecting neo-liberalism itself. For neo-liberalism, democracy means never having to say it lost an election, a war, nor power. And so, the people of America, that is those of Marti's, Our America, are banding together and showing that another world is possible... |
Captioned for Those Whose Hearing (and Thinking) Has Been
Impaired by the Drumbeats for War" Dec 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 25, Issue 193 Jason Miller President Discusses Iraq in Address to the Nation The Oval Office. [Commentary and translation] Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders... Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders from a carefully vetted group of candidates... This election will not mean the end of violence. But it is the beginning of something new: constitutional democracy... This election will not mean the end of violence. The US military industrial complex needs perpetual war to grease its wheels, increase shareholder value and line the pockets of executives... |
the Hash Marks of Peace Activism Dec 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 24, Issue 192 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Peace activists should be well aware that change comes over the long term. Let us be honest. The peace work that we do, hopefully, will lead to a less violent world in our children's and grandchildren's lifetime. Chastising other activists for their lack of involvement suggests an impertinent impatience with the long-term process, perhaps, an overindulgence in our own self-importance. The goal of peace may be grandiose, but our day-to-day actions should not be. Let us not delude ourselves into thinking they are... |
Me...Corporatize Me...Blackwaterize Me... Dec 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 23, Issue 191 Jason Miller Torture, state-sponsored terrorism, illegal wars, flagrant disregard for international law, tax decreases for the wealthy, funding cuts for social safety net programs, government endorsed racism, and diasporas in the aftermath of natural disasters are but a few examples of the handiwork of the wealthy elite as they create a gross perversion of Paine's vision of the US. Not to worry though. |
Iron Fist of Jesus Dec 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 22, Issue 190 Jason Miller How much damage will men like George Bush, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Sam Brownback, Ralph Reed, and Rick Santorum inflict before reason prevails and they are unmasked as the twisted, malevolent charlatans that they are? Fundamentalist Christians, adherents to a nauseating perversion of Christianity (conjured from their twisted imaginations and their distorted interpretations of the Bible) wield a significant amount of power in the... |
Takes a Pass On Celebrating His Birthday.
Judas Makes a Case for Black Friday Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 20, Issue 189 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski While Jesus' message conveys contentment with living a simple life, neo-liberalism markets a constant dissatisfaction with life. Our looks, our clothes, our music, toys, status, health, position, cars, food, possessions, family, friends, etc., are never good enough. We never have enough of them either. We are as church goers constantly sermonized to and falling for the rhetoric of spending. We pray and shop our way back to personal satisfaction but it never quite gets us there. Preachers know that their congregations are best controlled through the manipulated discontent... |
Quest for the Many Manifestations of Bigfoot.
Review and Commentary on Mike Palecek's Latest Novel Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 19, Issue 188 Jason Miller Mike Palecek knows a bit about dissent, and to his credit, is an "enemy of the (corrupt and tyrannical) state". He has been crusading to find and expose the truth for years as a journalist, editor and writer. At one point, the rulers of the "land of the free" held him as a prisoner of conscience at seven different federal prisons for his non-violent civil disobedience he carried out against their sacrosanct military industrial complex... |
Corporatocracy says "no Mas" Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 18, Issue 187 Jason Miller As they have with Chavez, the United States government and its lapdogs in the mainstream media have vilified Morales. Morales and Chavez are both portrayed as "threats" to the United States and have been characterized as "enemies". It is mind-boggling that the leaders of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of humanity can view these men or their tiny nations (neither of which have the military might to overpower the state of Rhode Island) as legitimate threats... |
Culture of Death and Violence Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 18, Issue 186 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Our pResident, George W. Bush, tells us that he speaks to Jesus. I wonder if the dialogue ever includes Mathew 26:15 when it purports to quoting Jesus as having said, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword"? I doubt it since the United States is so permeated with the culture of violence and death that its major religion has forgotten that its central figure, Jesus Christ, the "prince of peace" was killed by crucifixion... |
Mothers (and Thomas Paine) Warned Us about People
like the Disciples of Strauss Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 17, Issue 185 Jason Miller In support of the brave and intelligent citizens of Vermont who recently passed a resolution to secede from the union, I decided to update and modify our Declaration of Independence to fit the circumstances we are facing in 2005. Despite the numerous distinctions between then and now, in some significant ways, little has changed. Like our Founding Fathers, I enumerated grievances of the Oppressed in my version of the Declaration, and many... |
País de las Pesadillas: Sweet
Dreams for America's Ruling Elite and their
Sycophantic Loyalists Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 16, Issue 184 Jason Miller Yet regardless of the root causes, the Ugly American is alive and well. I have learned that the United States is not a particularly friendly environment for proponents of social justice, peace, intellectual freedom, and human rights. The consensus amongst decent human beings (those in the United States and in other nations) is that universal human rights and peaceful co-existence are moral imperatives, but in Pax Americana, many worship the virtual antithesis... |
Regime Going Down in Plames Nov 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 15, Issue 183 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski These haters of the Constitution and destroyers of anyone that gets in their way deserve that special place in Hell where they can continue their Texas barbecues fired by the flames of the people's disgust of them... Having Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, etc., i.e., the entire "cabal" behind bars in one of their prestigious palaces of neo-liberalism's incarceration would go a long way toward letting the world know that the situation in the United States is not completely hopeless... |
is the Grand Inquisitor When You Need Him? Oct 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 14, Issue 182 Jason Miller Besides severely minimizing or eliminating social programs, the ruling elites have a more sinister agenda, which Dr. Chomsky unveils. Continued implementation of this agenda will enable the Social Darwinists to strip away social support systems while simultaneously enjoying the consent of many Americans. They are targeting both the programs and the impetus for their existence. Malevolent yet brilliant... |
Is Not An Option Oct 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 13, Issue 181 Jason Miller The Bush regime knows that America's days as the world's superpower are numbered. The eclectic conglomeration (i.e. the obscenely rich, mammoth corporations, lobbyist groups, Israeli interests, the Religious Right), which holds the true power in our nation behind the facade of a federal republic, is painfully aware of its impending demise under the existing paradigm. Desperation has led them to commit criminal acts of the most heinous variety. Defying international law and shredding the US Constitution, our rogue government... |
And Catch The Wind Oct 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 12, Issue 180 Daniel Patrick Welch I realize that things are not quite yet as bad as they were in the McCarthy years, no matter how the civil libertarians might shriek. But they also have the unprecedented capacity to get much worse in an instant. The police state stands at hair-trigger readiness, waiting for the flick of the first domino by Bush or some future zealous front man. We are seeing the perfect storm that libertarians and anarchists alike have warned us about for generations: the unholy merger of the ueberstate and corporate hegemony. |
Can't Let It Happen Here. Oct 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 11, Issue 179 Jason Miller America 's apologists can deny the reality to their dying breath, but the truth is that the United States of America as a democracy, a republic, or a free society is a fraud...even our founders fell far short of the standards they set for themselves. Many owned slaves...Some, like Alexander Hamilton, desired an overt aristocracy because they did not trust the "people" to govern themselves. Virtually all of our founders were wealthy, white land-owners. |
Noble Cause? Vietnam Combat Veteran Not
Welcome at Vietnam
War Memorial Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 10, Issue 178 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski No sooner had the tears flowed then he was ordered to put the flag down. Not being easily intimidated this former G.I. questioned the D.C. authority on the rationale for having to remove his flag. He was then told he had to leave or be arrested. This Vietnam combat veteran who was sent to kill others in Vietnam under the pretense of protecting the American way of life was now being threatened with incarceration for practicing it!... |
Assualt on the Epicenter of Evil Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 9, Issue 177 Jason Miller "The White House and the Pentagon look so innocuous, yet behind their innocent facades lurk sinister forces which have unleashed much misery and suffering upon the world," I thought as I scrutinized each of them armed with an insight gleaned from many hours of study... |
Bush and Mr. Hyde:
Fundamentalist Shadow of George W. Bush Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 8, Issue 176 John D. Goldhammer The invasion of American Democratic institutions by fundamentalist, historically militant (as in crusades,[1] witch hunts, inquisitions, and support of slavery) Christianity has significantly increased the stench coming from the already disturbing dark side of U.S. politics. It’s like a nightmarish replay of the Christian crusades—politics with a militant, convert-the-heathens dark side. Potent, cult-like group dynamics combine with unacknowledged and unseen shadow qualities to easily overwhelm the individual’s sense of right and wrong, often unleashing pure evil en masse... |
Information Awareness. A World Not Worth
Living In? Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 7, Issue 175 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Even in the small town of Wells, VT, where some residents have not left for many years, people were discussing biometrics, RFID tagging, instant DNA identification, and other means of creating the Brave New World. Security, it seems, for some, has a higher value than freedom and privacy. If one has nothing to hide, the argument went, then why not allow everyone to know everything about everybody... |
Regime Rules of Acquisition and for Maintaining
Power Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 6, Issue 174 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I have rewritten the most complete set of Ferengi Rules of Acquisition in testimony of the current regime that is in power in the United States today. While the original rules promoted Ferengi honesty and dignity, the Bush Regime Rules of Acquisition and for Maintaining Power, have evolved through intelligent design to be descriptive of the current administration occupying the White House.. |
Liar Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 5, Issue 173 Jason Miller If George Bush had encountered the same fate as Jim Carrey's character in the movie Liar Liar, and had been rendered incapable of lying, America would not have been subjected to thirty minutes of manipulative propaganda on 9/15. Compelled to tell the truth, Bush's oration would have captured the reality of the situation in New Orleans, and of life for the poor and working class in an America dominated by a wealthy aristocracy... |
Orleans Unmasks "Apartheid", American
Style Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 4, Issue 172 Jason Miller The New Orleans debacle exposed America's "heart of darkness" to the world as its leaders allowed their own tens of thousands of Americans to suffer or die. Many throughout the world were aware of the damage the US government was capable of inflicting upon people of other nations, but Hurricane Katrina showed what America's decision-makers were willing to do to their own. The twin evils of raw capitalism and imperialism were on full display as the human race watched the events unfold on the Gulf Coast. As Mother Nature unleashed her ferocity... |
More Bush Bullhorn Bullshit.
See You in Washington D.C. on September 24, 2005 Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 3, Issue 171 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski With the current horrific tragedy of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina taking place on his watch, and in large part as a result of his regime's incompetence and greed, the G.W. bullhorn is finally being uncovered more and more for the bullshit that it is. George W. Bush is sounding like bullshit even to the White House's imposter's established base... |
Under Seige Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 2, Issue 170 Jason Miller What is it that enables George Bush to sleep at night when his avarice and iniquity as a ruler exceed that of Marie Antoinette? Could it be that he slept through his history lectures about the French Revolution while he was at Yale? Perhaps his capacity to sleep soundly stems from having the most powerful military in the history of humanity at his disposal. Being a member of a dynasty dating back to the 1930's would also tend to endow one... |
if America Lost Its Soul? Sep 2005, Volume 13 Nr. 1, Issue 169 Jason Miller America pauses and sobs fitfully for several minutes. His peers watch and wait with patience and respect, knowing that regardless of America's crimes in the past, a spiritually enlightened America has the capacity to make the world a much better place. They also recognize that they are not without sin either, and are still on the life-long road to redemption themselves... |
Then and Now Aug 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 33, Issue 168 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Unleashing the beast that exploits and devours the resources of others has been the hallmark of capitalism for a long time. In the recent past, the French, Spanish, German, Japanese, British, and Soviet empires unleashed their beast. The empire today is the United States and its beast is unleashed. The contradictions of capitalism, however, make the sun that never sets on an empire unsustainable, regardless of which empire it shines on. All empires come and go... |
Within Reach for the American Empire Aug 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 32, Issue 167 Jason Miller Ultimately George Bush bears the responsibility for the death of Casey Sheehan, yet he refuses to take a few minutes of his precious "R&R" to impart his wisdom to Cindy about the noble reasons for which he is putting our troops in harm's way. He owes her and the rest of America an answer, but this Evangelical crusader cannot summon the mettle to meet with her on his own doorstep... |
Bush Knows Why They Hate Us Aug 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 31, Issue 166 Jason Miller Why do they hate us?... It is a strong affirmation of the power of propaganda that some Americans still pose this as a serious question, and are legitimately dumb-founded that such antipathy exists toward the United States. Our government, media and schools start burnishing the false notion of American moral superiority... |
Counter-Enlightenment Aug 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 30, Issue 165 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski During the last 20 years of the 20th century and the opening decade of the 21st, especially in the United States, however, fetish regressionism has taken hold. There exists now exists a fetish commodification of simplistic religious belief being sold by the anti-Enlightenment establishment... |
Victim's of America's Plutocracyl Aug 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 29, Issue 164 Jason Miller Like wolves among sheep, America's Plutocracy preys on the weaker and less fortunate members of society. Since America's founding, they have leveraged their economic power to dominate the government and the media, the vehicles through which they advance their avaricious agenda... |
Be Blunt: Bush's Proxy is Spreading Social Darwinism
to the State Level Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 28, Issue 163 Jason Miller For the affluent to afford multiple multi-million dollar homes, cars that cost more than many homes, yachts, trophy wives, and jet-setting lifestyles, the poor must remain extremely poor... |
Impending Insignificance of Capital Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 27, Issue 162 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Neo-liberalism is in trouble and the for-profit food chain is showing signs that it is impoverished. "Something big...", is indeed "...going on out there." The implications go far beyond dead seabirds washing up on California beaches... |
Injustice: America's New Leading Export Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 26, Issue 161 Jason Miller Starting with Iraq, President Bush has dedicated himself to exporting economic injustice, which Americans possess in such abundance that it has become our top export. Here in America, we are living one of the biggest lies perpetrated in human history, and if our ruling plutocracy... |
and the Prejudice of Our Side. The
Universal Soldier Must Say, "No!" Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 25, Issue 160 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski As long as soldiers or combatants, or whatever you want to call them, refuse to accept that they are the ones responsible for the killing, the killing will continue...Refusal is an option... |
Pravda Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 24, Issue 159 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The strands of friendship link the peoples of the United States and Iraq. This friendship took on new qualities after the liberation of Iraq in 2003, which played an enormous role in the destinies of the peoples of southwest Asia, including the Iraq peoples. Iraq's liberation from the yoke of Saddam Hussein by the United States forces, alongside which the... |
of Pain and Sorrow Jul 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 23, Issue 158 Jason Miller A malevolent force has taken root in the United States. This force is rendering damage terrorists can only fathom in a dream, and is actually responsible for creating the terrorists. Psychological manipulation and economic enslavement of Americans have enabled our government to covertly inch the United States closer to tyranny with each passing day... |
Bushit. The Iraq War Address of June 28, 2005 Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 22, Issue 157 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski George, I can tell how much you hate freedom, reject tolerance, and despise dissent. I can tell by the actions of the neo-con elements who worship you as the symbol of the State, that dissent to you and your regime is treason... |
in the Abstract is Still Iniquitous Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 21, Issue 156 Jason Miller Fear and ignorance are slowly choking the life out of reason and intellectualism in the United States. For years, the ruling Plutocracy has perpetuated social forces which obliterate the critical thinking capacities of the citizenry of the... |
is Failure. What a Piece of Work is Man Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 20, Issue 155 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Access to launching the world's most power nuclear weapons arsenal rests with a man who often talks to Jesus... yet here in the United States, many eagerly support a president because he converses often with the adult version of Santa Claus... |
Nightmare: Oil, Socialism, and Chutzpah in
Venezuela Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 19, Issue 154 Jason Miller While there is little doubt that Chavez is complex, acts with a degree of self interest, and has a multi-faceted agenda, he has remained steadfast in his promise to provide for the poverty-stricken in Venezuela. His open defiance of US imperialism and... |
Recruitment. Excess On the Road to the Abattoir Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 18, Issue 153 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Military recruiters dog young people where they are known to gather. They target youth at the nation's community centers for the advancement of citizenship, i.e., the Mall. Better citizenship through consumerism goes hand-in-hand with better patriotism through militarism... |
Be Thy Name, Senator Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 17, Issue 152 Jason Miller Apparently Brownback has an affinity for surreptitious religious organizations. He maintains a residence in Washington DC in a house owned by C Street Center, a sister organization to a loose coalition of Christian government and business leaders known... |
Projection and Psychosis. Our Leader and His
Apologists Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 16, Issue 151 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD For how many decades, if not centuries, will the tens of millions of people throughout the world react with revulsion and hatred at the... superpower that cannot keep its phallic weaponry zipped up... |
Peace for Humanity
Jun 2005, Volume 12 Nr. 15, Issue 150 Jason Miller Now that Amnesty has trained their cross-hairs on them, they are lashing out like cornered animals. America's leaders deride or attempt to discredit virtually every organization or individual that has the audacity to challenge them. Smells like tyranny to me... |
Right to Live Well |
Don't Need no Stinkin' Compassion |
the Mighty Are Falling |
of an Intellectually Shell-Shocked Kansan Catalyst
for my Contemplation |
on Steroids |
Fascist Ego and the Future |
The Democratic Party Breeding Busheviks? |
Insignificance of Mostly Everything or so They Would
Have Us Believe |
Dollar Babies |
Lies and the People's Redux |
George: Read The Sermon on the Mount |
a Ballot. Rejecting the Fraud Nov 2004, Volume 12 Nr. 3, Issue 138 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD I cast my ballot in the 2004 presidential election early in October, almost one month before election day. Vermont allows registered voters to cast absentee ballots without reason for... |
the Connections: A critique of the U.S.
Military's "Spirit of America" |
2004 Republican National Convention The Lunatics Are
Coming |
Emmanuel Goldstein - Spychips and the End of Privacy |
Paranoia and Frugality |
a National Institution: Preparing for Abu Ghraib and Beyond |
Anonymous. Recognizing and Going Beyond
Addiction |
You're Not With Us, You're Against
Us. George? No. Dean!
Democrats Need a New Mantra |
on the Statehouse Steps |
in Altmedland |
Absurdus |
Mars via Lunacy |
War on Iraq vis-à-vis The Ten Commandments |
Testing as Criteria for Employment: Eugenics in the
21st Century Dec 2003, Volume 11 Nr. 4, Issue 125 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD An article published in the Wall Street Journal by Kemba J. Dunham on Nov 3, 2003, entitled, "More employers ask job seekers for SAT scores" reports that as a prospective job seeker "looking for an entry-level job in... |
as Highly Successful Institutions. The War
Inculcation Assembly Line Nov 2003, Volume 11 Nr. 3, Issue 124 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD When I was a kid, an understandably unenlightened youngster, I was given the school essay writing assignment on the topic of, "What Freedom Means to Me". The multi-propagandist institution of my secondary education was a private... |
56th United Nations DPI/NGO Conference: Human
Security and Dignity: Fulfilling the Promise of the
United Nations A Veteran For Peace
Participates and Reflects Oct 2003, Volume 11 Nr. 2, Issue 123 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD The Non Governmental Organization (NGO) section of the United Nations Department of Information (DPI) held its 56th annual conference in New York City on September 8 - 10, 2003. I attended the conference with a seven-member delegation representing Veterans For Peace (VFP). The VFP delegation was... |
For Peace - The National
Convention Energy, Commitment and
Dedication Sep 2003, Volume 11 Nr. 1, Issue 122 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD During the weekend of August 8 - 11, JeanneE and I, attended the 18th annual Veterans For Peace National Convention. The convention, titled, "Defeating Militarism and the Politics of Fear" was held in the War Memorial Veterans Building, San Francisco. This was the 4th convention I have had... |
Flag is Not Enough Aug 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 13, Issue 121 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Back in the mid 1980s when I first moved to Vermont, there was a brouhaha broiling over the further development of a famous local ski resort. A major issue of contention at the time between proponents and opponents was the environmental impact of the proposed condominium complex. A bumper sticker adroitly... |
Freedom as Virtual
Reality in the Brave New World Jul 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 12, Issue 120 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD I am the first to admit that I have an attraction to technology, especially the ability of digital technology to connect people together and to communicate, however... |
the Constitution Through Frequent Flipping
of the Byrd Jun 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 11, Issue 119 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD The long-time editor and publisher of a Vermont progressive political newsletter is calling it quits. The Watchman, published by Michael Badamo, issue number 87, entitled "The Big Chill, Harbinger of Worse to Come", is the newsletter's last issue. Badamo ran for governor as a Progressive Party candidate in... |
Vietnam Syndrome,
Gulf War Syndrome and Supporting the Troops Jun 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 10, Issue 118 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN During the recent military action in Iraq, I watched and listened and asked questions of folks around me. I observed in many people an overwhelming helplessness, an awareness that they are uninformed or misinformed, a desperate defense of the idea that there is still an ideal named “America”, a real love... |
the Global Cultural Paradigm May 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 9, Issue 117 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Sgt. Michael Sprague of While Sulphur Springs, WV, a member of the invading U.S. forces in Iraq, was quoted by the British reporter, James Meek, as saying, "I've been all the way through this desert from Basra to here and I ain't seen one shopping mall or fast food restaurant. These people got... |
Three Veterans: And
they say it couldn't happen here Apr 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 8, Issue 116 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD My father, Jan, is a World War II North Africa combat veteran. He served under General Wiatr, from 1945 - 1946, Third Corp, Egypt as part of the Polish Forces with British oversight. My mother, Stanislawa, served in the Polish Nurse Corps in the same theater of operations. Both of them fought fascism. Both of them cherished freedom. Both of them saw enough of oppression... |
am a Veteran! How dare you! Mar 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 7, Issue 115 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD I have in my possession an honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States. This document, form DD214, makes me a veteran. It is, in its most respected implications, the proof that I have served my country. I have given a few years of my life, as the enlistment oath states... |
and Unity, Veterans For Peace and the People Feb 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 6, Issue 114 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD On January 18, 2003, there was an enormous sea of humanity cruising through the veins of power in Washington D.C. In great numbers, too awesome to accurately count, hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps, half-a-million, the life-blood of an emerging and robust U.S. peace movement, came to the citadel of corporate capital power to express their displeasure... |
Christ, Crucifixion,
Chaos - War! Jan 2003, Volume 10 Nr. 5, Issue 113 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD We are being told that we are about to go to war with Iraq. The reality is that we have been at war with Iraq since 1991. The impending huge escalation of hostilities with Iraq is going to create chaos on a world-wide scale from which I believe the reputation and pre-eminence of United States will not recover... |
Capitalism and
Anger in the 21st Century Dec 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 4, Issue 112 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD George Orwell in his classic novel, "1984" wrote, "war is not to be won, it is to be continued". Isaac Asimov wrote, "Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent". Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war." Every Saturday... |
Run. A Fable for Our Times Nov 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 3, Issue 111 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN In the late 1970’s, a science fiction movie, more heroic legend than technotale, hit the big screen with a flourish. It had its own style, like nothing before it, so innovative that it won a special Oscar for visual effects. Sure the acting, writing, directing and editing were uneven. But it was widely lauded as the herald of a new age in... |
Look What
They've Done to My Food Ma Oct 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 2, Issue 110 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD My father, Jan, who passed away in 1985, was a picky eater. Coming from Rumania in Eastern Europe, there must have been events that affected his relationship with food. Some of them were cultural. Corn was for pigs. Beans, especially baked beans, kidney beans, and other such similarly shaped legumes were, let us put it mildly, incorrectly... |
Neo, Nader, Next
Door Neighbor: Citizenship Sep 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 2, Issue 109 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Being a citizen, of a village, of a nation, of a world, is being an active participant. Citizenship is distinguished from simple residency and implies individuality. There is no contradiction here, although a fascistic reading may declare that a citizen is one who is glorified in his immersion in... |
Only Two Years
Ago? How Times Change Aug 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 1, Issue 108 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Exactly two years ago, I wrote and published an issue of Metaphoria (June 2000) in which I described (as a final act of my teaching career of 30 years) sitting through a high school graduation ceremony. The invited guest speaker was the champion and high priest of the telecommunications... |
Holy Molars,
Batman! Jul 2002, Volume 9 Nr. 11, Issue 107 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN The White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy (WHCCAMP) issued its final report in March. It is a prayer of praise to CAM, which it never actually defined, despite two years of "study". Between the WHCCAMP and the NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), there have been, in 10 years, over one billion... |
Sickening Feeling in the Gut: Inching Toward Another Big One Jun 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 10, Issue 106 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Violence as arrogance is nothing new. Violence or threat of it to accomplish what cannot be accomplished by political means is what most people consider to be terrorism. There is a "war" presently being waged and marketed that "may not end in our lifetime" against terrorism. The arrogance of this statement alone is... |
Dead Warriors and the War We all Wage in the Smokey Mountains May 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 9, Issue 105 Greg Brady Hard to believe this valley held 1000 or so men at war and has very little to witness that event, just this pile of rocks and an odd holly. Who won that war matters not a rat’s ass to the wild things left here... |
Meme Marines of
Monoculture Apr 2002, Volume 9 Nr. 8, Issue 104 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN We are being branded right out of our minds. We are being branded like the cattle we are in the pseudologic of the megamarket. The branding irons are searing our foreheads from the inside, in our frontal lobes where meaning is made. The logo-scars of various ranches compete in our headmeat for ... |
We Pay, We Pay. We Owe! Mar 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 7, Issue 103 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD This is a good time, as a consequence of both world and personal events, to link a very popular tune from the late 1960's Broadway American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, "Hair", to the present. Though the Right would object, more on the grounds of possible apoplectic reaction... |
Absolutism and Absolute Ambiguity Feb 2002, Volume 10 Nr. 6, Issue 102 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Typically, absolutes are given definition and premised according to unchangeable doctrine from, and within, books and documents deemed sacred, sacrosanct, holy, authoritative, etc. The only problem is, the meaning and the passages of these writings are in reality, either defined by the reader or more often than not, a reader who has a vested... |
Harry Potter and
Other Heresies Jan 2002, Volume 9 Nr. 5, Issue 101 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN What I would like to say to the pottermanic religioids is, "Lighten up, try critical thinking for a change, and everything is not all about you. Really." The focus of most of the worry falls into two categories: magic and morals.... |
The Uncooling of
America Dec 2001, Volume 9 Nr. 4, Issue 100 Kalle Lasn The shift began in the last third of the nineteenth century -- the start of a great period of struggle between corporations and civil society. The turning point was the Civil War. Corporations made huge profits from procurement contracts and took advantage of the disorder and corruption... |
The State
of Humanity Nov 2001, Volume 9 Nr. 3, Issue 99 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Consider the arrogance of humanity. It believes in an omniscient power gratifying upon it a special largesse. Collective humanity believes itself to be uniquely privileged through a divinely conferred elitist status with dominion over all other species. Collectively, it believes in its own inevitability... |
Skeptyk in the
Web Oct 2001, Volume 9 Nr. 2, Issue 98 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN And on lots of issues believers and skeptics simply use different types of evidence. And the same person may be skeptical about trance channels but be a true believer, even quite hostile to skepticism, about, say, the natural benevolence of capitalism. "Skepticism is attitude, not dogma"... |
of Friendship The Discomfort of Individualism Sep 2001, Volume 9 Nr. 1, Issue 97 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Perhaps, those friendships that pick up where they left off after decades of separation, are comprised of individuals who one way or another move beyond the Western sinkhole of being stuck at... |
AD'ing Contrast,
Contradiction in Genoa Aug 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 12, Issue 96 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD The news is not that of yet another tragic death in the two-thousand year conflict in the "Holy Land" and the failure of humanity to come to terms with its violent nature. The news is, "Fuel for the Talking Machine", three-kilo-minutes of ... |
Greed Capitalism
and Dysfunction Jul 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 11, Issue 95 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Membership in the apparent exclusive club that defines success placates incongruous the waking state of our debt financing. Beneath sleep, while walking, working, playing, turning the spit on the starter fluid charcoal scented... |
The Flower and
the Shrub Jun 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 10, Issue 94 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Bush invoked the name of a woman totally opposed to killing. Yet, the former governor, while in Texas, signed execution orders for 152 people, including many who are mentally ill and some who are retarded. It took less than six months after Bush left the governor's mansion in Texas and moved to the White House for the Texas legislature to pass legislation... |
State, Littleton, et al Columbine, Christians and Cops May 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 9, Issue 93 Paul Roasberry Paul Roasberry, a parent of a Columbine High School student, expresses the connection between violence as a government policy and violence as a consequence thereof. |
An Atheist
Responds Apr 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 8, Issue 92 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN The argument of direct experience is a source of comfort for many. Unfortunately, an emotional, internal, subjective experience not only proves nothing, but what is a person to do with such "revelation"? Usually one wants to fit it into an existing... available... |
Hypocrisy and the Santa Anna school Shooting Mar 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 7, Issue 91 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Yes George. You are correct. When our leaders, politicians and other ruling elite teach by virtue of example we learn the lessons. Thank you for your examples. When one executes to "solve problems" as the former governor has in Texas... |
Seattle to
Switzerland Protesting in the New Police State Feb 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 6, Issue 90 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN The "inauguration" exposed wider issues of the crackdown on democratic speech and actions since Seattle, both in the US and its allies in the (relatively) free world, both on the streets and on the airwaves. This includes official police policies during events, as well as policies and attitudes of corporationist media that lead to... |
Myself and I to Join Themselves at the Inauguration Jan 2001, Volume 8 Nr. 5, Issue 89 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD If TV were around back then, with the rabid Religious Reich on Tom Jefferson's tail (and Sally's), the scandal would have made Bill's peccadilloes minor and tame by comparison... |
Seattle to
Switzerland Protesting in the New Police State Dec 2000, Volume 8 Nr. 4, Issue 88 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Atheists are alien species to most Americans. Few people seem to know any atheists personally. Of course they do, because we freethinkers average one in twenty. But folks are more likely to admit to fetishism than to atheism.... |
Electoral Politics Nov 2000, Volume 8 Nr. 3, Issue 87 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD I want to be able to enter the polling booth (or vote on the Internet - but that is a debate of another kind) and I want the option of voting for "No-one" or "Nobody" and if no-one or no-body wins, then we get new candidates... |
Octember, No Wonder Oct 2000, Volume 8 Nr. 2, Issue 86 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Why waste our time with Joe, when there is Ralph Nader. Ralph has a Semitic background, also comes from Connecticut, has impeccable credentials, untarnished reputation and a lifetime of superhero consumer advocacy?... |
Skeptical About
Hate Crimes Law Sep 2000, Volume 8 Nr. 1, Issue 85 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN We must not dehumanize those who dehumanize us. To picture hate crimes offenders as monsters and predators makes it easier to lock them away. But these are our fellow citizens: our neighbors, co-workers, family members... |
Thinking Outside
the Box Prison Abolition Aug 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 12, Issue 84 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN As you read this, one in every 140 people in the U.S. is in a cage. Two million humans in cages called state and federal prisons. Nearly 12 million are caged each year, and about five... |
Star Wars Miasma Jul 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 11, Issue 83 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Who in their right mind believes that SDI/Star Wars, transmogrified into the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), is anything more than pork barrel supreme for the corporate entities involved in its research, design, manufacture, deployment and maintenance - even if it doesn't work... |
Congratulations Jun 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 10, Issue 82 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Strange, is it not, that words in retrospect, from the pen of a hero affirmed years after his demise, can be embraced as exemplary by a Trilateralist, while those who practice them non-violently in the flesh as daily citizens rather than daily consumers, are branded as strange, malcontent, unstable, weird, or far worse... |
The Dream of May
13 May 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 9, Issue 81 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski This is the invisible side of America. This is the most common side of a nation, poor, struggling, trapped within the castle walls of Kapitalism, like the African-American policeman, cogs in a giant machine constantly running toward and on profit... |
The Ides of
March Apr 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 8, Issue 80 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I asked myself: from which direction does the hate come? From which side does the threat of violence emanate? Which side engenders compassion and which exclusivity? Which side is threatened by the civil rights of the other? (Vermont and Civil Union)... |
Like A Pile of
Shoes Mar 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 7, Issue 79 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN In a 1983 advertising brochure one company described the new FASCAM ("Family of Scatterable Mines") as "a family of target-activated munitions which will revolutionize the modern battlefield. Yes, these mine systems...have the potential to change battlefield methods more than any innovation since guided missiles"... |
Ratt-Tat-Tatt Feb 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 6, Issue 78 Vasilis Afxentiou The brag-and-boast of all that is best in the world for the whole world to follow, but don't make waves. The land of good ol' 'human-rights' and 'peace-loving', 'upright' and 'upstanding' citizenry, but question nothing. Hallelujah! brother, but praise be! to the Carbine and the Bombin'!... |
Power From
Within Jan 2000, Volume 7 Nr. 5, Issue 77 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The year 2000 does have some significance. It is a psychological unique changing of the yearly digits which suggests something new is taking place, at least for those of us who subscribe to the predominant Christian calendar of Pope Gregory XIII, who in his own ignorance did not take leap years into account when he created it... |
WTO Who? Dec 1999, Volume 7 Nr. 4, Issue 76 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Everywhere there are signs that young people, particularly college age youth, are no longer willing to allow the greedy elders and olders run the show in the nonchalant, cavalier and unenlightened manor that has for the past thirty years posed as an exemplary style worthy of duplication... |
Happy Thinsdoing Nov 1999, Volume 7 Nr. 3, Issue 75 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski From poultry industry and corporate-agri-business portfolios making one feel good while pigging-out to overdosing on and overexposing our children to holiday-hype commercials, we do what we do in the name of doing one's part... |
The Spirituality
of Dissent Oct 1999, Volume 7 Nr. 2, Issue 74 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I suggest that it is this inherent paradigm baggage that we bring to any meeting or discussion, and it is precisely our inability to transcend the incommensurability between differing participants' paradigms that is an obstacle to understanding... |
The Most
Dangerous Book Sep 1999, Volume 7 Nr. 1, Issue 73 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski "On the contrary," I replied, "a truly loving God would not stultify our minds. He would encourage us to think for ourselves." I tried, then, to show him that his belief in the divine authority of the Bible rested on nothing more than his own personal opinion, to which, of course, he was entitled... |
Hate and Silence Aug 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 12, Issue 72 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Matthew Shepherd's death (and many others like it) was an anti-gay hate crime. The demonstrators who came to Vermont espoused anti-gay hate. To be silent is to condone. Yet, in my almost three decades of teaching... |
KPFA and a
Different Kind of Joe Jul 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 11, Issue 71 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski So, does the US public know anything? Well, yes. They do. They know what is presented to them, that is, what is brought to them through dumbing-down media of (mostly) television and radio - corporate infobusiness of which... |
Liberals Jun 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 10, Issue 70 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I call them spineless because rather than standing up for the best beliefs that liberalism has to offer, many or most self-internalized liberals found themselves hiding under rocks worried that their modified brand of liberalism might be... |
The Great
Mandela May 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 9, Issue 69 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski I am not naïve enough to believe that if I chant phrases of encouragement for a better world or an end to the war in Yugoslavia that it will happen and in the morning all will be well in the Balkans. I do believe, however, that war as an option to settling disputes between nations has long ago become obsolete.... |
Kosovo Apr 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 8, Issue 68 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski As I write this issue NATO air strikes are taking place in Yugoslavia. Tremendous amounts of multi-billion-dollar hardware are involved and poised for further action. CNN has an on-line military hardware databank. You too, can follow the action... |
Meta-meta Mar 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 7, Issue 67 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN The paradox of practice, that is, of living consciously, is that we use words to find that which is beyond words. We use forms, including our bodies and tools, to enter formlessness. We develop concepts to go beyond concepts... |
Books Feb 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 6, Issue 66 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The emerging technologies of the late 20th century have been taking the emphasis off of book reading. There is even a movement afoot in California to demonize reading through a pedagogy which espouses the concept of the prejudice of the printed word... |
Politics Jan 1999, Volume 6 Nr. 5, Issue 65 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski There is, however, no such thing as being non-political. To be non-political is, well, a political act. To not act politically is to be metaphorically speaking, dead, for the personal is the political, and the political is the personal. The only way to truly become non-political is to die... |
War Machinery Dec 1998, Volume 6 Nr. 4, Issue 64 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski War is profitable and good for the economy. Global predatory Capitalism has much to gain from going to war and using its war machinery. There is an alternative... |
Rejuvenation Nov 1998, Volume 6 Nr. 3, Issue 63 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski What if masquerading under the disguise of worthwhile endeavor and beneficial activity, our co-opted and highly predictable acts of self inflicted pseudozest were nothing more extraordinary than Madison Avenue hype... |
And, Here's Oct 1998, Volume 6 Nr. 2, Issue 62 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The GOP and their power elite have always seen Nixon’s resignation and departure as being orchestrated by the very same lefty, pinko, commie nudies, unpatriotic, flag-burning, godless, hippie, druggies like Bill, Hillary and their comrades.... |
Pink and Rainbow Sep 1998, Volume 6 Nr. 1, Issue 61 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski In the snow-white landscape of Bernie’s Vermont where the Congressman has for over a decade declared his Socialist orientation, the sand-beiged terrain of New Mexico offers the possibility of the cactus Green Party candidacies of... |
Aliens Abduct
School Staff in Wells, Vermont Aug 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 12, Issue 60 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The aliens, competent and uncompromising, sucked out the brainpower of the education populace. Decimating the town’s ability to academically lead the next generation into knowledgeable adulthood, the aliens left behind an institution shy on personnel and a village wondering "why?"... |
Mediacracy and
the Puerto Rico Strike Jul 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 11, Issue 59 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski One can hardly sell the products of mass consumerism by giving time to groups and messages that espouse anti-consumerist messages contrary to the consumption ethic. That is the recognition that, we, the people need to come to terms with... |
Doing Bad and
Feeling Good Jun 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 10, Issue 58 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Those on the left (which by the way is quite differently defined whether one considers oneself left or right of center) need to recognize that those on the right (also defined differently depending upon one’s political spectral position) have also been identified and targeted as prime candidates to do good while consuming more... |
School Shootings May 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 9, Issue 57 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Perhaps, if the truth were known about school violence, there would be a flood of parents who opt not to send their children to public school. Perhaps, students would flee the public schools in such large numbers that it would affect funding. That in turn, might hasten the demise of what is quickly becoming a failed educational public school system... |
Solidarity Apr 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 8, Issue 56 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski ...the worker solidarity common in my youth is all but gone in United States. In its place, is the illusion of rugged individualism disguising the conformity of a greedy ethic. It is very evident that drastic changes occurred over the past few decades. Far fewer people, even those of my own age, can today relate to what I am talking about... |
Reporting Mar 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 7, Issue 55 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Whether through error, design or omission in reporting, the creation of culture which focuses the masses on simplistic scenarios and salacious innuendo does an injustice to the freedom and liberty we purport to possess. Face it: reporting in America is entertainment, tailored to increase ratings, expand control and profit... |
Balance Feb 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 6, Issue 54 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski John Paul and Fidel share much in common through the recognizable disparity of their ideologies. Both wear uniforms and both, through them, profess a commitment to obvious zealous ideology. Both men, perhaps better than any other, recognize the hideous negative potential of runaway Capitalism and both have spoken out about the dangers of neoliberalism... |
Overwhelmed Jan 1998, Volume 5 Nr. 5, Issue 53 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Depression is pathology. It is a sickness every bit as real, perhaps more so, than influenza or strep throat. The large numbers of Americans who are depressed, a real illness to the individual, is but a symptom of a larger national (and quickly becoming, global) pathology. This economic pathology is a cofactor and... |
Pardon Dec 1997, Volume 5 Nr. 4, Issue 52 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Pardon me for not talking about the Chargers' football game, or the Packers for that matter. I plead guilty of watching Benjamin Barber on CSPAN giving, "a lecture on potential downsides to multinational corporate expansion in an address at Connecticut College"... Barber spoke about the threat of "McWorld", the McDonaldization of everything... |
The Index Nov 1997, Volume 5 Nr. 3, Issue 51 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Wouldn't it be more valuable to society if the most important indices reflected the state of people's lives rather than the supposed state of the economy through the stock market? I propose a streaming tickertape index... |
Serious Men Oct 1997, Volume 5 Nr. 2, Issue 50 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski What fascinates me is the adaptability of the serious men who are running the world. Their ability to invent, reinvent or reorganize serious situations is cunning. The more serious they are, the more honed is their ability to extricate from a tangled mass of human interplay, the serious from the mundane and inconsequential... |
Thinking Sep 1997, Volume 5 Nr. 1, Issue 49 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Political correctness has become part of our unconscious mental modus operandi. Subtly over time, political correctness has altered whatever divergent thinking we were capable of into to a convergent thinking where we are pleasantly safe always... |
Cuba Aug 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 12, Issue 48 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski It is important for thinking people to realize that each of our perspectives is tainted by the politics that we consciously or unconsciously call our own. That being said, even the least politically aware and savvy individual can see that the justifications for our treatment of Cuba is the pot calling the kettle black... |
Noise Jul 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 11, Issue 47 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski External voices and other noises become a means of control. Sad is the individual who unknowingly is at the mercy of both internal and external noises... |
Risk Jun 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 10, Issue 46 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Taking no action at all, is in effect, making the decision to do nothing - which in itself has some risk... |
Comfort May 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 9, Issue 45 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski When we say, "I am well fed" or "I have nothing to complain about" – content with the way things are, then we may lose sight of who the people are that Chomsky refers to in his statement. The people are the collective we – not the egoistic "I"... |
Myth Apr 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 8, Issue 44 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We are the products of myths as much as myths are the products of what we are. The stories that we tell ourselves can become what we believe regardless how little truth they contain... |
Hope Mar 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 7, Issue 43 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The new wave of modern technological global mass communications very efficiently propagates a culture of homogenous thinking and emotion. The media, especially the print and electronic media, feed our desire for sensational negative reporting. On March 21, 1997, the CNN.. |
The Small Stuff Feb 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 6, Issue 42 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski If we believe that small stuff is big stuff, we will teach that it is so by our actions, by our responses, by the way in which we interact with each other and by the way we function. When we change our mind, that is when become more conscious and.. |
Illusion Jan 1997, Volume 4 Nr. 5, Issue 41 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The truth then is something in need of discovery. Acting out of mindfulness, and in the awareness of our potential for accepting illusion, we challenge illusion in an attempt at discovery. It is after all, doubt that prompts one to remove it... |
Economics Dec 1996, Volume 4 Nr. 4, Issue 40 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Those who own the means of production however, have seen their salaries skyrocket to the point where their incomes for one year are higher than the lifetime income of the average United States worker... |
Civility Nov 1996, Volume 4 Nr. 3, Issue 39 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The messages we receive and the lessons we learn through the information we let in and process, are to one extent or another, the behavior that we exhibit. The behavior we exhibit is to a large extent a consequence of the messages we are exposed to. This creates a self-replicating cycle which tries to convince us... |
Autobiography Oct 1996, Volume 4 Nr. 2, Issue 38 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Skepticism is not closedmindedness. On the contrary, unless it travels with its near enemy, cynicism, skepticism is an attitude of highly observant questioning, "an open mind is not a hole in your head"... |
Differences Sep 1996, Volume 4 Nr. 1, Issue 37 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Sounding much like a commercial, the philosophy of rugged individualism, a subset of the politics of separation, teaches that we neither want nor need to give or get help from others. We can go it alone. The difference between a liberal and conservative, they say, is... |
Thinking Aug 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 12, Issue 36 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski If an idea or story is repeated often enough, it will be eventually believed. Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf wrote, "The broad mass of a nation [...] will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." With ever increasing terabytes of information heading our way... |
Pilgrimage Jul 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 11, Issue 35 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Ultimately, the pilgrim recognizes that everyone is in the tribe, all people are pilgrims, more or less awake (and don't be so sure you know who's who in the awakeness department, either).... |
Walking Loaded Jun 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 10, Issue 34 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski If an idea or story is repeated often enough, it will be eventually believed. Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf wrote, "The broad mass of a nation [...] will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." With ever increasing terabytes of information heading our way... |
Philosophy May 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 9, Issue 33 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski There are times when individual maxims are so compelling that society’s maxims must be ignored as a matter of conscience and personal well being. The consequences may be minimal or they may be the start of major change... |
Language and
Literacy Apr 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 8, Issue 32 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Optimistic or pessimistic, there's a formulaic sameness by which we buy admittance to a neo-family by adopting its notion of what a person should or must be. It's easy to learn the language and to fit a few spare details with our individual nametag on them... |
Faith and Fraud Mar 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 7, Issue 31 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN and Jozef Hand-Boniakowski With the inherent pitfalls of searching for answers, looking for the truth, wanting to feel better, live longer, be happier, one would think humans would invent a system of thought that is mostly immune from accepting fraud as faith... |
Incense as
Metaphor Feb 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 6, Issue 30 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Imagine how our internal state of affairs might benefit from making space and taking as much time being conscious of our state of mind than we do with our state of body, our financial affairs or political position... |
The Value of
Sadness Jan 1996, Volume 3 Nr. 5, Issue 29 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, RN Only recently has the dominant culture begun to accept and study even personal grief. We have no context for a healthy transpersonal sorrow... |
Boredom Dec 1995, Volume 3 Nr. 4, Issue 28 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The western mind is so busy trying to figure people and things out (including ourselves) that the silence which occurs when no thinking takes place is alarming to the ego. This ego’s fear can be manifest as boredom, a signal that the ego is no longer being entertained... |
Healing and the Eightfold Path Nov 1995, Volume 3 Nr. 3, Issue 27 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski Work can be toxic. While OSHA is designed to lessen the likelihood that working people will have accidents or exposure to poisons, it does not address toxic relationships or psychologically toxic policies... |
Skeptycism and
Cynicism Oct 1995, Volume 3 Nr. 2, Issue 26 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The scientific method of inquiry is the best method we have to separate our willingness to make our explanation the truth, from actively and impartially seeking the truth. Skepticism is a positive off-shoot of that seeking... |
Seeing Sacred
Architecture Sep 1995, Volume 3 Nr. 1, Issue 25 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski As a nurse, and mother of a frequent patient, I have been dismayed by the unimaginative impersonal spaces that hospitals provide. While I appreciate the clean, practical and non-threatening aspects of modern medical architecture, there's something missing... |
Clutter Aug 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 12, Issue 24 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski How do we deal with our mental clutter? We can for example quickly empty the gunny sacks as soon as something is placed in it. Rather than stew and form a brew from the hops of our discontent, we can bring out the contents of the gunny sack and deal with it... |
Waiting For Jul 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 11, Issue 23 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Waiting for can be seen as another ego defense. The misconception that we are not good enough, nor have enough, places us into fear, preventing us from being loving... |
Shadow Jun 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 10, Issue 22 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski There are plenty of ways to devalue and disown our shadow, and projection is a path of least resistance, an easy way out. But in giving away essential components of our very self, we are thin, superficial, easily manipulated... |
May 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 9, Issue 21 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski How magnificent to think that the inherent beauty, intricacy and infinite length of the fractalian coastline can be transferred onto the recognition that love is infinite and it is what we are. There is chaos in the coastline. Yet, there is beauty and orderliness... |
Apr 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 8, Issue 20 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Those things which today are so important become inconsequential at the moment of our death. If we can, if we dare, imagine our death, then we can clearly see how inconsequential our present traumas really are. Death then, as the ultimate detachment, is a teacher before it even occurs... |
Shedding Mar 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 7, Issue 19 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski "Democracy depends on intensely active citizens, not children." Citizen and consumer are not interchangeable terms but the prevailing attitude in this country is that of consumerism, not citizenship.. |
Feb 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 6, Issue 18 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Perhaps our scientific attempts to discover what the material universe is made of, superstrings, will lead us to the discovery that it, and love as the essence of our conscious universe, is one and the same thing... |
Impermanence Jan 1995, Volume 2 Nr. 6, Issue 17 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski A commonality for all of us is the fact of death. We exist in an anxious world left to our own devices to cope with our impermanence. In the end, our methods of escape fail and we are humbled. Rather than fight impermanence, we can see it as a positive event... |
Insanity Dec 1994, Volume 2 Nr. 5, Issue 16 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The sad part is that insanity as revolt is repeated over and over again until the repetition becomes revolting. We cyclically reinforce that which we wish to eliminate from our lives. We fall into a rut, a funk, a depression.... |
Memory Nov 1994, Volume 2 Nr. 4, Issue 15 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski Everything is metaphor. Not only our words, but music, art, religion, even emotions are metaphors. Thus do we translate the essential. We use metaphor to share our experience and ideas with others. Metaphor travels with myth, and gives voice to mystery. Thus, our new name, Metaphoria... |
Experience Oct 1994, Volume 2 Nr. 3, Issue 14 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We can argue that consciousness of the experience of the moment is a return to single-mindedness. It is in this state of recognizing single-mindedness that living in the ever present now moment occurs... |
Rage Sep 1994, Volume 2 Nr. 2, Issue 13 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We long ago outgrew the need to rage in order to survive. Our multi-mindedness achieved through passage into adulthood provides us with the means to circumvent rage, anger and hostility. Though our thoughts might occasionally revert to rage, another mental activity may recognize that love is what we are... |
Other Family-of-Origin Characters Aug 1994, Volume 2 Nr. 1, Issue 12 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski No matter what roles we attain to, no matter what carefully constructed personae we present to the world, our brother or sister has known us at our most vulnerable. It is not always comfortable to be with people who knew me when I was that way. Siblings hold that magic mirror in which we see ourselves, like it or not... |
The Last
Judgment (It’s Not What you Think) Jul 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 11, Issue 11 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We long ago outgrew the need to rage in order to survive. Our multi-mindedness achieved through passage into adulthood provides us with the means to circumvent rage, anger and hostility. Though our thoughts might occasionally revert to rage, another mental activity may recognize that love is what we are... |
is a Call to Action Jun 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 10, Issue 10 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski One may hold a personal grievance, a grudge that they hoard like a jewel and will forgive "over my dead body." Perhaps so, since animosity exacts a very high price physically as well as spiritually... |
I Am Not a
Victim of the World I See May 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 9, Issue 9 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Taking charge is redefining ourselves as a participant in life rather than a victim. "No understanding of evolution is adequate that does not have at its core that we are on a journey toward authentic power, and that authentic empowerment is the goal of our evolutionary process and the purpose of our being"... |
Our Fears Apr 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 8, Issue 8 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski I believe that too often the political, fear-based manipulations of traditional scriptures have led to separation rather than reconciliation, use of scripture for power-over rather than partnership. Such abuses have occurred in the major religions... |
The Unexpected Mar 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 7, Issue 7 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski It was a typical beginning to my work day. I stopped by the cafeteria for the obligatory cup of coffee, banana and blueberry muffin. I conversed with the cafeteria staff and the early bird students. One of them asked me if I had heard about a former student, age 19, who committed suicide the previous evening... |
Relationship Feb 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 6, Issue 6 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski Everything and everyone that we encounter establishes a relationship between itself and us. Relationships with other people become special when we find in others something that we find lacking in ourselves. Many of our relationships are such special relationships. The pain and suffering that we ultimately must feel... |
Conflict Jan 1994, Volume 1 Nr. 5, Issue 5 JeanneE and Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The ego deviously strives to reinstitute the laws of chaos. It waits for every opportunity to place belief in chaos into our mind when our guard is down. Whenever a conflict erupts, one of the parties can easily defuse it by recognizing that following the laws of chaos is an illusion. It never gains us anything... |
Experiment Dec 1993, Volume 1 Nr. 4, Issue 4 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski In Courage to be Myself, Carlos G. Valles, S.J., dares to suggest that the basic assumption, so ingrained from early on, that we are supposed to be happy, is wrong! He further suggests that the cause of our unhappiness is our inability, as hard as we try, to achieve inescapable happiness... |
Charm Nov 1993, Volume 1 Nr. 3, Issue 3 JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski We often allow others to intimidate joyful, spontaneous music making. Remember, it wasn't long ago when nearly everyone played some instrument, usually with glowing mediocrity, be it piano, harmonica or voice. So, too, have we.. |
The Joy That is
Us Oct 1993, Volume 1 Nr. 2, Issue 2 Jozef Hand-Boniakowski The media portray the world as a sad place filled with pain. Its reporting separates and divides. It presents the world in "they" and "we" terminology. Yet, there is so much goodness and love in the world. Is it possible that the media chose to create the world it presents... |
Introduction Sep 1993, Volume 1 Nr. 1, Issue 1 JeanneE and Jozef Hand-Boniakowski We teach that which we need most to learn. This refers to all lessons both academic and social. When a student argues about a point in our teaching or simply gives us "grief", we usually see the student as attacking. These attack thoughts come from our own internal unresolved conflicts... printer friendly version here |