12, 2008, Volume 16 Nr. 1, Issue 245
(Revised 9/17/08)
Do As I Teach But Not As I Do.
Vermont Teachers Union Fails Democracy.
Jozef Hand-Boniakowski
On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, the
Vermont National Educational Association (Vermont-NEA) held its
gubernatorial debate from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. The debate was
billed as including "all three major gubernatorial
candidates" which were "to spar in" the
"first-ever Vermont-NEA education debate live on Vermont
Public Television". The debate was moderated by
Sue Allen, the editor of the Times Argus newspaper. Allen
had the sole editorial control over the questions she
asked. In the second half of the debate questions were
taken from the floor. It is good to see the Vermont
teachers' association engaging in and promoting democracy.
Or, did they?
- The Vermont-NEA represents
11,500 Vermont public school teachers and educators.
Many of these professionals are social studies
teachers. Many during this presidential election cycle
teach classes in elections and the civic responsibility
that comes with living in a democratic nation. These
social studies teachers presumably advance their students'
knowledge of the democratic process covering topics such as voting
requirements, political parties, government,
inclusion. They encourage the possibility and promise
that a single vote is important, that it can and does make a
difference. They teach young people that their vote
and participation is very important. That is why I
find it disturbing that the Vermont-NEA, in its first-ever
sponsored gubernatorial debate, has chosen to include
candidates from only two, out of four, of Vermont's
Secretary of State-recognized major political parties, Jim
Douglas (Republican Party), Gayle Symnington (Democratic
Party) and independent Anthony Pollina, now of no political
party. The Vermont-NEA debate left out Peter
Diamondstone of the Liberty Union Party. There is no
Progressive Party candidate. Why did the Vermont-NEA
leave out Peter Diamondstone?
- Vermont-NEA advocates to
students throughout Vermont that they should do as their
social studies teacher membership teaches but the
association does otherwise, i.e., the Vermont-NEA
stifles democracy for the political expediency of the two
top major political parties only. Anthony Pollina may
be running as an independent but his deal making to obtain
endorsements from Vermont's established political figures
benefits the status quo. Candidate Anthony Pollina,
being a member of no major party, should not have preference
over, Peter Diamondstone, the candidate of a Vermont major party,
the Liberty Union Party. Pollina's willingness
to participate in a debate that excludes Peter Diamondstone
is telling. Just how progressive is that
Anthony? Pollina is no longer a part of the
Progressive Party but runs on progressive issues.
- The Vermont-NEA debate took
place at the Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, Vermont and
was broadcast live by Vermont Public Television. This
was the second gubernatorial debate. And it was the
second time that one candidate for governor was
missing. Democratic Party
gubernatorial candidate, Gayle Symington, stated that she "will be very much attentive to the quality of schools
the quality of education that's being delivered" as she
participated in a debate focused on education. Just
how does the quality of education improve for Vermont
students and voters by not inviting a major party candidate
for governor?
- The
Vermont-NEA did not invite Peter Diamondstone to the
debate. Daren Allen, communications director of the
Vermont-NEA, told me that they sent Peter Diamondstone a
candidate questionnaire that was not returned. I
called and spoke with Peter Diamondstone about this the day
after the debate. Diamondstone stated that he did not
fill out the questionnaire because the Vermont-NEA had not
invited him to the debate. Daren Allen also stated
that in the best of all world's Peter Diamondstone would be
included in the debates. Just how is the best of all
worlds created by excluding him?
- I'll be the
first to admit that Peter Diamondstone can be trying and
difficult. Peter can be stubborn. Perhaps this
is why the two-party system political proponents dislike
him. They may disagree with Diamondstone. But
the dislike, disagreement, adverse reaction to personality,
even Diamondstone's preference to not wearing suits, is no
reason to exclude him from gubernatorial debates. As a
major party candidate, Peter Diamondstone is entitled to
participate, and Vermonters, including young people, deserve
to hear what he has to say. The Vermont-NEA has denied
Diamondstone the standing he has earned through his party's
major status. It has denied Vermont's young people
access to non-establishment opinions which they most likely
will not hear in the classroom. Of course, this may be
another reason for Peter Diamondstone's exclusion. Shame on
the Vermont-NEA.
- I have gone
head-to-head with Peter Diamondstone on numerous
issues. We are both members of Veterans For Peace
(VFP) and we have attended national VFP conventions together
where our differences in opinion were both public and
forceful. I can say unequivocally that Peter
Diamondstone cares as much for the well-being of the working
class as, perhaps much more, than Jim Douglas or Gayle
Symington. Teachers are members of the working
class. Their union, the Vermont-NEA is supposed to
look out for teachers' best interest and that of their
students. The Vermont-NEA has failed to do so by
excluding one of Vermont's foremost and long-time fighters
for the working class, Peter Diamondstone. Mark Twain
said, "Whenever you find yourself on
the side of the majority, it is time to pause and
reflect". It is time for the Vermont-NEA to pause
and reflect.
- ©2008
Hand-Boniakowski, P,
Jozef Hand-Boniakowski is
co-editor and co-publisher of Metaphoria
along with his life partner and
wife, JeanneE. He is 30-year veteran retired teacher and a
member of Veterans For Peace. His writings have appeared in Metaphoria,
Downing Street, Buzzflash,
Paine's Corner, Rense.com,
Center, Rutland
Herald, Times
Argus, and others.
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