On Saturday evening, June 4, 2005, Alan
Colmes interviewed two guests on his radio program who not only are
indicative of how the United States people are divided, but also why
the tide is turning against the war on Iraq and this regime. The
guests were retired Air Force Lt. General Tom McInerney, and, Paul
Martin of Peace Action. General McInerney is FOX News analyst so
we know he is honest. The General made repeated references to a
"sickness" that pervades Alan Colmes, Paul Martin and others
on the Left. We all know that the Right is of sound mind, do we
not? Let us set aside that the General failed miserably at
diverting most of the questions he was asked toward irrelevant bird walks
and absurd smokescreens. Let us examine the "sickness"
that the General makes reference to.
In response to the newly released
evidence that mistreatment of detainees and their holy book, the
Qur'an, did indeed happen, McInerney made references to Saudi Arabia,
that this country mistreats more Qur'ans by far than the United States
does. In other words, when the United States abuses the Qur'an
the abuse can be expunged because some other country might be abusing
it more. McInerney offered no evidence while a caller pointed
out that Qur'ans are in fact recycled. Who knows? Just how
does some other country's alleged abuse of the book negate the fact
that detainees and the Qur'an
were pissed on by US personnel?
McInerney made reference to prisoner abuse by saying that given the
large number of US personnel, detainee abuse was low as if that
excuses it or exonerates the 27 known homicides. The thinking
goes: we kill less than others so the killing is excusable. No,
General. It is not.
The General claims that too much of a
big deal is being made out of the small number of abuse cases and that
when abuse is found, the people responsible are dealt with.
True, some token lower level personnel have been taken to task for
their part in abusing detainees, but the people at the top responsible
for signing off approving and/or ordering the torture have not been
brought to justice. Why is it ok in the General's world that the
people on the bottom who are told what to do get pissed on when they
do it and get caught while those doing the pissing on get off free and clear?
McInerney diverts attention away from the fact that both George Bush
as Commander-in Chief, and, Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense,
are responsible for the abuse. The buck stops there
General. Stop passing it on. The orders as what is
acceptable torture and abuse came from the top. Think of it,
acceptable torture. No torture is acceptable General. It was the
top of this administration who shattered much of what is left of the United States'
reputation as the world's self-professed pre-eminent protector of
human rights. As an apologist for the Bush regime, McInerney is
equally culpable.
Just how is the Muslim world whose
families experience first hand the behavior of the US government and
military going to respond? Tell me, General, what kind of friend
is the father who carried his dead daughter with her legs in shreds
and bones sticking out going to make? Do you envision their
family, friends and neighbors as future friend or foe? For how
many decades, if not centuries, will the tens of millions of people
throughout the world react with revulsion and hatred at the death and
destruction wrought by the superpower that cannot keep its phallic
weaponry zipped up.
Stored and pent up military power,
weapons sitting static in inventory offer little additional profit for
the "defense" industry. How, otherwise, would the
Haliburton's of the world make profits on destroying, rebuilding,
destroying, rebuilding... ad infinitum? A corporation in the
military-industrial complex does not maximize profits if its weapons
are not put to use. More war means more profit. War is
good for the Capitalists. To kill is to make money. To
kill more is to make more money. More jails means more
money. Taking the oil fields means making more money. What
good is it for investors who heavily own stock in corporations that
produce depleted uranium (DU) weapons, cluster bombs and cruise
missiles if the weapons inventories are not used and replaced with new
weapons? What profit is there for corporations who build and
maintain prisons if their cells are not full of human cattle and the
complex not in need of expansion? Herein lies the
sickness, General.
The so-called "war on terror"
fought as the war on Iraq is taking place in a country that had
nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq posed no threat to the United
States except in the minds of those requiring and/or fabricating the
reasons for war. Yes, General, let us talk of the sickness
then. A first strike, preventive war of choice is sick.
Bombing a country through "Shock and Awe" because it was
expedient to have access to our desperately needing its oil is
sick. Adopting and using a policy of extreme rendition where the
U.S. government sanctions and fosters the disappearance of people to
nations where gross torture is allowed so that surrogates can do the
dirty work for it is sick. Lying to Congress, the US people and the
world in order to justify going to war is sick. Murdering
complete Iraqi families by dropping 1,000 pound bombs on them is
sick. Breaking the standard by which human decency is
maintained, at least in part, during war, i.e., the Hague Conventions
of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Nuremberg
Conventions adopted by the United Nations December 11, 1945, is
sick. Unloading hundreds of tons of depleted uranium is
sick. Dropping cluster bombs is sick. Unexploded cluster
bomb bomblets becoming land mines taking off children's limbs is
sick. Killing as you would call them precious unborn fetuses by poisoning them
with radioactive dust is sick. Our youth dying for the ruling
elite and rich man's war for profit is sick. Let us reiterate
once again, that going to war with Iraq had nothing to do with any
threat from Iraq and it had nothing to do with 9-11. It had
everything to do with lying about weapons of mass destruction, lying
about aluminum tubes, lying about yellow-cake uranium, lying about
mobile biological and chemical weapons labs, lying to the United
Nations, lying to the world. That, General, is sick. And,
General, it is this sickness that you would project onto those who
criticize you and the sickness of this regime. The fact that
anyone else, or faction, or nation, may be sicker is not justification
for excusing this regime's sickness.
The excessive inability of the Bush
regime to face the reality of their behavior and solve the problems
they created in their sick war of choice contributes to their
psychosis. While Rumsfeld suppresses and rationalizes,
intellectualizing the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis
and over thousands (a more likely death toll) of US troops, you
general, find scapegoats within those who want to stop the
insanity. You, General, are the pot calling the kettle
black. Just who is the sick one, General? For, if
you and this administration are not, you are far worse. You are evil.
To be anti-war is not to be
anti-US. Quite the contrary, to be the military super-power
bully always willing to unleash its fury while ignoring the international
conventions to which it is party to is being anti-US. Just who
are the millions of aggrieved Middle Eastern and Muslim people going
to hate because of this regime's sickness?
I do not believe that the United States
will in my lifetime regain the respect that it has lost. I do
not believe that it will ever again be seen nor respected as the fair
arbiter of disputes between nations. I do not believe that it
will be seen as the world's protector of human rights. It is a
sad time for this country and the world. Yet, the sickness of
the George W. Bush regime is our sickness, a sickness of its people as
well. It is as Paul Levy writes in his analysis, "The
Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective
Psychosis. Bush's Sickness is Our Own". Levy
Bush and his supporters
perversely interpret any feedback from the real world which reflects
back their unconsciousness as itself evidence that proves the
rightness of their viewpoint.
Our sickness then is that
we are much like the good German was in Nazi Germany. We are the
good "American". Almost half the U.S. population
believes Our Leader is solving the terrorism problem. The good German
also believed that their leader was solving a problem. What does
one make of the half of the US population that refuses to see that Our
Leader is fueling and creating more terrorism? Using terrorism
to stop terrorism is insanity, ab initio absurdis. Perhaps,
perpetual war for perpetual profit is the goal. If that be the
case, is the sickness not obvious? It should be.
Iraq is redux
Vietnam. The major players in the Bush regime are many of the
same people who were around during the Nixon administration.
Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, for example were aides to Gerald Ford
who followed and pardoned Nixon. They tried to persuade
president Ford to veto the enhanced Freedom of Information Act.
Back then they seem to have recognized that the truth would haunt
them. It still does. They preferred to operate with
impunity then as they do now. What can one expect from the same
cast of characters? They were sick then, when Nixon was in
office, and, they are sick now.
History has a way of
repeating itself as the observation goes. Sooner, or, later, as
the tide continues to turn, the people will respond to the pervasive
sickness that permeates this regime and the land, and do something
about it. The populace will once again become sick and tired of
the sickness. When that happens, and I do believe that day is
coming, a second president in my lifetime will be leaving the White
House in disgrace. The people will line the streets and salute
farewell to the commander-in-thief in similar fashion to how they
"welcomed" him on "inauguration" day, June 20,
2001. The difference this time will be, however, that George W.
Bush will be leaving the White without legitimately having been
elected in the first place. Perhaps then, General, you can begin
to recover from this sickness of which you speak.
I end with paraphrasing
your own words spoken during your appearance on the Alan Colmes
radio program. General, unfortunately, this might-makes-right sickness that
so many on the Right have has become pervasive for far too
long. The people in this administration and their apologists like
you that lie and shred the Constitution while finding any excuse to
murder for profit are the terrorists. The fact is, we the people give
you license and we take it away. We have treated you in a way you do
not deserve and that will come to and end soon as the truth comes
...he resorted to an old
Soviet trick: accusing dissenters of INSANITY, of spreading a
SICKNESS to his listeners. Comment
on the McInerney guest appearance as posted
on the News Hounds blog by: SteevK at June 4, 2005 23:19
See, in my line of work,
you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for
the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. -- G. W.
Bush, May 24, 2005, Greece.