October 12, 2011, Volume
18 Nr. 1, Issue 259
The One (1%) Percenters Upcoming
Over the past five weeks the
United States has shown the world that the apathy of its people,
the working class, the 99% that are
owned, controlled and manipulated who are the instruments of wealth acquisition for the 1%, has
come to an end. Starting with the Occupy Wall Street
occupation of September 17, 2011 (organized by the British
Columbia, Canada, consumer advocacy magazine/organization, Adbusters)
the anti greed-capitalism demonstrations have spread to over
1,000 cities in the United States. Other demonstrations
are taking place in the United Kingdom and around the
world. The occupations are on-going and permanent with
diverse but related demands revolving around massive wealth
affecting every aspect of people's
- The Declaration of Independence declares that "all people are created
equal". This is a fundamental tenet of the
Republic of the United States of America. The Constitution in its Bill of Rights guarantees that that every person has
a right to freedom of
speech. This is contradicted, however, by the United
States Supreme Court in its Citizens United Decision of
January 21, 2010, declaring that money is free speech. The result of this decision
is that there no longer exists any limit on
corporate funding of political campaigns. The Supreme Court has ruled that such
limitations violate the right of free speech guaranteed
under the Constitution. This ruling presumes a previous
decision where the Supreme Court ruled
that corporations are people and that they are
entitled to the same constitutional rights and privileges.
corporations can fund and elect whomever they want.
Their owners, the 1% of the wealthiest people in the
United States, the one-Percenters, can control
everything and every one of the 99%, the
- The one-percenters determine who each of the two faces of
the Corporate Parties' presidential candidates
are. They determine who gets elected to
Congress. Their lackeys occupy the House and the Senate. According to CBS
News, there are 245 millionaires in Congress of which 179
(R:109, D:70) are in the U.S. House and 66 (R:29, D:35. I:1)
in the U.S. Senate. The wealthiest person in the U.S.
House is Republican Darrell Issa with a net worth of
$303,757,011. In the senate, that honor
goes to John Kerry with a net worth of $238,812,296.
- The corporations and the 1% who own them determine foreign
policy motivated by the prospects for their further wealth
accumulation. Their motto is: free enterprise uber
alles. This is what they live for. The 1% determine which foreign
countries the United States, Inc., will go to war with and
when. It is the ninety-nine-percenters, the poor at
the bottom of the pile, the working class and the
unemployed, that always fight the wars, get maimed and
die. At this moment, the wars for profit and for the
theft of other people's natural resources include, but are
not limited to: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Chad,
Pakistan, Bahrain. Soon to be added to this list
is Iran. War with Iran is the one-percenters wet
dream. War is capitalism redefining itself and the world in its own image
and likeness. Capitalism is God. And God can
do what it wants.
- More and more analysts are concerned that the United States
and the
world economy are nearing complete
collapse. This is evidenced by the loss over the past
few years of an average of a half-million jobs per month in
the United States. Further
evidence comes from Greece where its people are suffering under crushing
austerity measures. In Europe, the Euro is
collapsing. The United States dollar continues to lose
value. Mortgage, credit, and banking institutions have
failed. Government subsidies bailout corporations (but not
people) to prevent insolvency. People are angry
demonstrating in the streets.
- David L. Prychtko writing in The Precise Encyclopedia
of Economics. Marxism. writes:
- "Marx predicted that
competition among capitalists would grow so fierce that,
eventually, most capitalists would go bankrupt, leaving
only a handful of monopolists controlling nearly all
production. This, to Marx, was one of the contradictions
of capitalism: competition, instead of creating better
products at lower prices for consumers, in the long run
creates monopoly,
which exploits workers and consumers alike. What happens
to the former capitalists? They fall into the ranks of the
proletariat, creating a greater supply of labor, a fall in
wages, and what Marx called a growing reserve army of the
unemployed. Also, thought Marx, the anarchic, unplanned
nature of a complex market economy is prone to economic
crises as supplies and demands become mismatched, causing
huge swings in business activity and, ultimately, severe
economic depressions."
- The current state of world capitalism has once
again provided striking evidence that Karl Marx analysis of
capitalism has merit. The one-percenters object, screaming that the ninety-nine percenters
are practicing class
warfare. As the old
saying goes, those who smelt it dealt it. Those making
these accusations of class warfare are, in fact, those that
are conducting it.
Those that have the most to lose, the one-percenters,
have a solution. That solution, once again, will be the
same old burden upon the one-percenters that the history books
have glorified since first being published. War. Not just another war for the benefit of
military-industrial-complex, but a money maker whopper of a war
that resets the capitalist paradigm. A war that reboots the
wealth-acquisition mechanism silencing its critics with the
same old patriarchy, patriotism, flag waving, mom's
apple pie, beer and victory. It's time for war with Iran!
It's not only time for war with Iran. It's time for
using a war with Iran as a stepping stone to much bigger
and better things. It's time for a global war to reset
priorities. It's time for World War III. Yeah!
Boo-yah! It's time to restart the factories, putting the
U.S. population back to work manufacturing the implements,
uniforms, transportation, logistics, mechanisms, etc., for all
out conflagration for complete control of the entire
earth. Until, of course, capitalism, once again, finds
itself in the same predicament. Boom.
Bust. War. Boom. Bust. War. Boom.
Bust. War. Ad infinitum.
- Just a day (Oct 11, 2011) after the arrests of Veterans
For Peace members and their supporters in separate incidents
in Washington D.C., the capitalist news media was abuzz with
the revelation that president Barak Obama accused Iranian agents of plotting to assassinate the Saudi
Arabian ambassador to the United States. The
accusation was that Iran's Quds Force members in the U.S.A. were
hiring members of the Mexican drug cartel to do the
dastardly deed. Purportedly, $1.5 million was offered
for the assassination of the Saudi ambassador. If true,
this is an example where the one-percenters (in
Iran) manipulate the world. If false, this is an
example where the one-percenters (in the USA) manipulate the
- What the world is now witnessing in the Occupy movements
is that enough is enough. We are hearing from the
ninety-nine percenters around the globe that a better world
is possible. We are hearing that it is time to move beyond
the class warfare inherent in and perpetrated by
capitalism We are hearing the resounding outcry that
the world can no longer afford the rich. The masses of
people are hungry for a different and better world. It
is time to satisfy the hunger and eat the rich.
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